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Gemeinsames Gebet in Genf als Antwort auf Gewalt

Das Gedenken an den armenischen Völkermord der Jahre 1915-1923 hätte eigentlich im Zentrum des Gottesdienstes am 15. November stehen sollen. Nach den Anschlägen in Beirut und Paris haben die Gebete der Reformierten Kirche Genfs und des ÖRK-Exekutivausschusses aber eine neue Dimension angenommen.

Common prayer in Geneva responds to acts of violence

Commemorating the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23 was to have been the principal focus of the service of Sunday morning prayer on 15 November in the cathedral church of Saint-Pierre at the summit of Geneva’s old town. Following terror attacks in Beirut and Paris killing and wounding hundreds of civilians over the preceding days, the prayers of the Protestant Church of Geneva and the WCC Executive Committee took on a new dimension.

WCC Executive Committee convenes to review ecumenical progress

The Executive Committee, a 25-member governing body of the WCC, is meeting from 13 through 18 November at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland to consider a series of programmatic reports and proposals for the criteria to be used in priority setting amid the continuing work of the WCC.

Simbabwe: AIDS durch Abbau von Diskriminierung beenden

„Die Ausbreitung von HIV und AIDS wird durch Stigmatisierung, Diskriminierung, fehlenden Zugang zu Information und angemessenen Präventionsmaßnahmen verschärft“, erklärte Samuel Matsikure anlässlich des Dialogs über HIV/AIDS, der im vergangenen Juli von der Ökumenischen HIV- und AIDS-Initiative des ÖRK in Simbabwe organisiert wurde.

Overcoming discrimination to address HIV in Zimbabwe

“Stigma, discrimination, lack of access to information and appropriate prevention measures aggravate the spread of HIV and AIDS,” says Samuel Matsikure, who participated in a dialogue sponsored by Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy of the WCC.

Global Christian leaders concerned for persecuted Christians

An historic consultation of church leaders, drawn from 56 nations, to focus on intensifying "discrimination, persecution and violence" against Christian communities around the world has called on churches globally to pray, support and be in solidarity with those suffering persecution due to their faith.

Climate pilgrimage toward COP21 pauses in Geneva

"In COP21 we decide whether the glass is half full or half empty, but the glass must be transparent", tweeted climate activist Yeb Saño at the end of a day full of activities engaging leadership and staff members of the WCC, the Lutheran World Federation and ACT Alliance, at the Ecumenical Centre, in Geneva, Switzerland.