Displaying 101 - 120 of 419

A faith-based, holistic approach to HIV and AIDS-care

In a country now counting 100 million inhabitants, and where 2.5 percent are added annually, it is increasingly hard for the government to keep pace with the needs of its people. “In this challenging environment, the work of non-governmental organisations is critical in order to ease the burden on public service institutions”, explains Dr Maged Moussa Yanny, general director of EpiscoCare.

Faith and HIV treatment go hand in hand

For HIV-infected people in Nairobi, the Eastern Deanery Aids Relief Program makes a difference. By providing a quarter of the antiretroviral therapy care, it helps around 26,000 HIV-infected people in the Kenyan capital to live normal lives.

Continuing formation on Youth and Racism Awareness in Asia

08 - 12 September 2019

This event plans to engage 30 indigenous young people from around the world and 20 Asian young people to go deeper on the topic of racism and exchange experiences. Key reasons for gathering in Japan is to show concrete solidarity with Indigenous Communities in Japan, share stories and hear the issues that they are struggling with.

Osaka, Japan

Turning mercy and compassion into action

Ten years ago, while studying to become a nurse, Khadijah Abdullah was confronted at a hospital with a rather difficult patient, a Muslim living with AIDS who was also coping with several other medical issues. When Abdullah realized how isolated and stigmatized this patient was in his own faith community, she became aware of her prejudices and ignorance and she decided to do something about it.

Arbeit neu denken und die Zukunft der Arbeit

25 February 2019

Neue Kräfte verändern die Arbeitswelt und diese Veränderungen erfordern unser entschlossenes Handeln. Wenn wir als Menschen des Glaubens über die Zukunft der Menschheit nachdenken, stellen wir die Würde der Menschen in den Mittelpunkt und stützen uns auf Überlegungen, was für das Gemeinwohl am besten ist.

Genf, Schweiz

Rethinking Labour and the Future of Work

25 February 2019

This inter-religious event, which is going to be divided into two panels, will allow the faith traditions to share convictions and visions for the dignity of work and of the workers.

Geneva, Switzerland

Devotional guide commemorates enslaved African peoples

Bread for the World is releasing a publication entitled “Lament and Hope: A Pan-African Devotional Guide Commemorating the 2019 Quad-Centennial of the Forced Transatlantic Voyage of Enslaved African Peoples to Jamestown, Virginia (USA).”

ÖRK-Generalsekretär: Brüderlichkeit unter den Menschen ist göttliche Berufung

Mit dem Aufruf zu einem neuen Sozialpakt hat der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Pastor Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, die Teilnehmenden an einer internationalen, interreligiösen Konferenz in Abu Dhabi (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) aufgerufen, ihren religiösen Einfluss und ihre religiösen Institutionen zu nutzen, um durch den transzendenten Wert der Nächstenliebe und konkrete Handlungen, die diese zeigen, Toleranz und Respekt zu fördern.

Human fraternity is a divine calling, says WCC general secretary

Calling for a new social pact, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit urged an international, interreligious conference in Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to use their religious influence and institutions to nurture tolerance and respect through the transcendent value and concrete practices of love.

Engagement der Kirchen im Kampf gegen Ungleichheit in Gebetsandacht bekräftigt

„Ungleichheit trifft uns alle und widerspricht Gottes Plan von einem Leben in Fülle für jeden Menschen“, sagte Athena Peralta, Programmreferentin für wirtschaftliche und ökologische Gerechtigkeit beim Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK), in einer Gebetsandacht am 21. Januar im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Genf im Rahmen der Aktionswoche zur Bekämpfung von Ungleichheit.

Prayer service hails churches’ involvement in the fight against inequality

“Inequality hurts us all and goes against God’s vision of life in abundance for every human being”, said Athena Peralta, World Council of Churches (WCC) programme executive for economic and ecological justice, at a prayer service on the occasion of the Week of Action to Fight Inequality, held at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, on 21 January.