Displaying 41 - 60 of 137

Eco-School promotes blue communities, green churches

Dr Mathews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia, addressed young people attending an Eco-School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, noting that large numbers of people in Asia don’t have access to safe drinking water.

WCC Eco-School begins in Thailand

Twenty-seven young people from 11 countries across Asia officially began the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The school will run from 4-17 November, exploring water, food, and climate justice.

Thailand consultation highlights need to combat sexual abuse and exploitation of children

A consultation jointly organized by the Christian Conference of Asia and the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Chiang Mai, Thailand has reiterated the need to combat sexual abuse and exploitation of children. About 40 child rights activists and representatives of churches as well as organizations working on the rights and dignity of children from various countries and regions across Asia committed to sensitize churches in Asia to be engaged in child rights advocacy.

WCC organises event on “The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”

As more and more people in the Philippines lose their loved ones to extrajudicial killings, and are falsely accused of crimes by the authorities, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is increasing its support and accompaniment of people fighting for human rights in the Philippines.
On 16 September, concerned colleagues and guests gathered in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva to attend an event entitled: “Defending the Sanctity of Life and Dignity of Creation: The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”. The event gave a platform to four different speakers from victim, human rights and church perspectives.

Pilgrim Team visits Philippines, amplifies call for human rights

Fourteen church leaders and activists from Canada, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States, embarked on a Pilgrim Team Visit to the Philippines from 9-13 August. They listened, learned and bore witness to the escalating human rights crisis in the country. The visit was convened by the World Council of Churches in partnership with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.

Asian Ecumenical Institute to train next generation of leaders

Twenty-seven young ecumenists from across Asia are currently attending the month-long Asian Ecumenical Institute organized by the Christian Conference of Asia. The programme aims to provide ecumenical formation and leadership development training for prospective church and ecumenical leaders. It is being held at the Christian Conference of Asia headquarters in Payap University Campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Applications open for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice

The third edition of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 4-17 November 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, hosted by the Christian Conference of Asia. This year, the Eco-School will focus on Asia and therefore only open to Asians. Deadline for applications for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice extended to 31 July 2019.

Plight of stateless and trafficked people draws increasing concern

An international ecumenical consultation held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 20-23 May, gave serious attention to the plight of stateless and trafficked people, and how to better preserve their human rights. The consultation, organized by the Christian Conference of Asia and the World Council of Churches, drew participants from various parts of Asia.

ÖRK verurteilt Massaker an bäuerlicher Bevölkerung auf den Philippinen

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat das Massaker an 14 Bäuerinnen und Bauern durch die Polizei in der Stadt Canlaon und den Gemeinden Manjuyod und Santa Catalina in der Provinz Negros Oriental auf den Philippinen Anfang dieses Monats verurteilt. Zudem hat der ÖRK auch seinen Aufruf an die Regierung der Philippinen wiederholt, der Kultur der Straflosigkeit ein Ende zu bereiten, eine umfassende Untersuchung derartiger Tötungen sicherzustellen und die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.

WCC condemns massacre of farmers in Philippines

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned the massacre earlier this month of 14 farmers by police officers in Canlaon City, as well as Manjuyod and Santa Catalina towns in Negros Oriental in the Philippines. The WCC also renewed its call for the government of the Philippines to end the culture of impunity and to ensure full investigation and accountability for all such killings.

Le COE condamne le massacre de fermiers aux Philippines

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a condamné le massacre de 14 fermiers commis par des agents de police début avril à Canlaon, Manjuyod et Santa Catalina, trois villes de la province du Negros Oriental, aux Philippines. Le COE a également réitéré l’appel qu’il avait lancé au gouvernement des Philippines pour faire cesser la culture d’impunité et garantir que ces assassinats fassent l’objet d’enquêtes en bonne et due forme à l’issue desquelles les auteurs des faits seront traduits en justice.

Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers: Wasserknappheit ist keine höhere Gewalt

„Es ist nicht Gottes Wille, dass die Erde zerstört wird. Wir Geschöpfe, denen die Schöpfung anvertraut wurde, zerstören uns selbst“, schrieb Pastor Arnold C. Temple, Präsident der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz, in seiner Predigt für den Eröffnungsgottesdienst der Fastenkampagne des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) zum Thema „Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers“ am 5. März in Chiang Mai (Thailand).

As Seven Weeks for Water begins, water scarcity “no act of God”

“It is not God’s will that the earth is destroyed. We the creatures, we who are supposed to be stewards of creation, are unjustly self-destructive”, read the sermon of the Rt. Rev. Arnold C. Temple, president of the All Africa Conference of Churches, at the opening service of World Council of Churches (WCC) Lenten Campaign “Seven Weeks for Water”, on 5 March, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Alors que débute la campagne 2019 des Sept semaines pour l'eau, gardons à l'esprit que la rareté de l'eau n'est pas un «acte de Dieu»

«Ce n'est pas la volonté de Dieu que la Terre soit détruite. Nous, les créatures, nous qui sommes censés être les intendants de la création, nous rendons injustement coupables d'actes autodestructeurs», a écrit dans sa prédication le pasteur Arnold C. Temple, président de la Conférence des Églises de toute l'Afrique. Un texte prononcé en son absence lors du lancement de la campagne des Sept semaines pour l'eau à Chiang Mai (Thaïlande).

Friedfertigkeit ist der gemeinsame Nenner aller Weltreligionen

Die Asiatische Christliche Konferenz hat mehr als 100 Vertreter/innen von sieben Religionen - Christentum, Buddhismus, Islam, Judentum, Bahaitum, Hinduismus und Sikhismus -zusammengebracht, um sich mit Mitgliedern der Referenzgruppe des Pilgerwegs der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) zu treffen und sich über wichtige Religionsfragen und deren Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft in Asien auszutauschen.

Peace is common denominator of all major religions

The Christian Conference of Asia gathered over 100 participants representing seven religions including Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Bahai, Hindu and Sikh to meet with the participants of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Reference Group to discuss relevant issues about religion and their implications to the Asian society.

La paix est le dénominateur commun à toutes les grandes religions

La Conférence chrétienne d’Asie a invité plus de 100 représentants de sept religions – des chrétiens, des bouddhistes, des musulmans, des juifs, des bahaïs, des hindous et des sikhs – à rencontrer les participants du Groupe de référence du Pèlerinage pour la justice et la paix du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), pour discuter de questions relatives à la religion et de leurs implications pour la société asiatique.

WCC pilgrimage turns its eyes to Asia

“Our churches are directly involved in upholding the dignity and rights of people and communities in Asia irrespective of their religious or faith identities”, said Matthews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia, at the opening of the annual meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace Reference Group, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 4 March.