Displaying 121 - 140 of 435

Bischof Staccato Powell: „Ich bitte um inständige Gebete für den Beistand und Schutz des Heiligen Geistes“

Bischof Staccato Powell ist der Vorsitzende der Bischofskonferenz (Board of Bishops) der Afrikanischen Methodistisch-Bischöflichen Zions-Kirche, einem Gründungsmitglied des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK). Sein langjähriges Engagement im ÖRK umfasst die Teilnahme an vier Vollversammlung und die Mitgliedschaft in verschiedenen Leitungsgremien, darunter der aktuelle Zentralausschuss.

Bishop Staccato Powell: ‘I solicit the most fervent prayer of covering’

Bishop Staccato Powell is president of the board of bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, a founding member church of the World Council of Churches (WCC). His long service with the WCC includes attending four assemblies and serving on many governing bodies, including the current Central Committee.

Obispo Staccato Powell: “Les pido una ferviente oración de protección”

El obispo Staccato Powell es el presidente del Consejo de Obispos de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal Africana de Sión, una de las iglesias fundadoras del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI). Durante los muchos años que ha prestado servicio al CMI, ha participado en cuatro Asambleas y ha sido miembro de muchos órganos rectores, incluido del Comité Central actual.

Easter at home: celebrations still bring joy thanks to creative delivery

As Christians across the world prepare to celebrate Easter shuttered in their homes, they will still find the joy of the day and feel closer to each other, thanks to creative thinking by church leaders.

From including photos of church members within webcast worship services, to placing written greetings at doorways, Easter celebrations can still safely connect people who want to celebrate the resurrection of their common Lord.

Kirche sollten ihre Stimme gegen den Klimawandel erheben

Die Pazifikinseln leiden nicht nur heute noch unter den dauerhaften Folgen der über einen Zeitraum von 50 Jahren durchgeführten Atomwaffentests, sondern sie sind auch die Region, in der die hochbrisanten Folgen des Klimawandels am schnellsten spürbar werden dürften. Dies erfuhr die Kommission der Kirchen für internationale Angelegenheiten (CCIA) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen auf ihrer Tagung diese Woche in Brisbane.

Churches should use their voice on climate change

Pacific islands experience lasting impacts of the 50 years of nuclear testing and the region has become a global hotspot of climate change, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) learned in its meeting this week in Brisbane, Australia.

Las iglesias deben usar su voz sobre el cambio climático

Las islas del Pacífico experimentan los impactos duraderos de 50 años de pruebas nucleares y la región se ha vuelto el punto caliente del mundo en lo que se refiere al cambio climático supo la Comisión de las Iglesias para Asuntos Internacionales (CIAI) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) en su reunión de esta semana en Brisbane, Australia.

Les Églises doivent user de leur voix sur la question des changements climatiques

Alors qu’elle se réunit cette semaine à Brisbane, en Australie, la Commission des Églises pour les affaires internationales du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a été informée des conséquences durables pour les îles du Pacifique des cinquante années d’essais nucléaires dans la région, devenue l’une des zones du monde les plus sensibles aux changements climatiques.

WCC leaders reiterate need for United States and Iran to step back from escalating conflict

In the aftermath of armed attacks by both the US and Iran, WCC reiterates its call for restraint and de-escalation of the confrontation.
“Further escalation and conflict between the United States and Iran can only serve short-term political interests, while threatening the permanent destruction of many lives, communities and precious cultural and environmental heritage,” said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit. “I appeal to political leaders on all sides of this confrontation to put the interests of the people of the region ahead of their own interests, and to seek peace through dialogue and negotiation rather than confrontation.”

WCC condemns attack at Hanukkah celebration in New York City

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned an attack on a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi´s home north of New York City, on 28 December, stabbing and wounding five people. Several state and local officials have described the location of stabbing as a synagogue.

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton: “No longer will we stay silent”

Elizabeth Eaton is presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). On 8 August, the ELCA adopted a resolution to encourage church-wide participation in the World Council of Churches Thursdays in Black campaign for a world free from rape and violence.