Displaying 41 - 60 of 963

Violence against Palestinians is rising in the West Bank

Despite the war, security concerns, and travel restrictions, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel and the WCC Jerusalem Office continue to operate. Ecumenical accompaniers have observed increasing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7. 

Ecumenical accompanier: “many Palestinians simply want to live a peaceful life”

Siad Ní Bhroin, from the EAPPI UK and Ireland team, served as an ecumenical accompanier in Bethlehem from 31 August to 7 October. The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, based on an appeal from local church leaders to create an international presence in the country, accompanies the local people and communities, offering a protective presence and witnessing daily struggles and hopes. Below, a reflection on what she witnessed while in the field.

El PEAPI del CMI reubica a los participantes y adapta su labor al nuevo contexto de guerra

Tras el estallido de las hostilidades el 7 de octubre —con el lanzamiento de miles de misiles desde Gaza a Israel y la infiltración de hombres armados de Hamás en el sur de Israel, y la consiguiente respuesta militar israelí—, el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) está adaptando su labor en Tierra Santa para seguir apoyando los esfuerzos en favor de una paz justa.