Displaying 101 - 120 of 292

Klimanotfall: Glaubensgestützte Organisationen wollen ihre prophetische Stimme stärker zu Gehör bringen

Am 24. September trafen sich Delegierte zahlreicher Kirchen und Organisationen weltweit zu einer ganztägigen Veranstaltung mit dem Titel: „Klimanotstand – Glaubensgestützte Organisationen wollen ambitionierteres Handeln – Niemand wird zurückgelassen“, um über ihre Rolle im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel und das menschliche Leid zu erörtern, das er bereits verursacht.

Climate emergency: faith-based groups pledge to amplify prophetic voice

In a daylong meeting on 24 September entitled: “Climate Emergency: Faith-based Organizations Raising Ambition - Leaving No One Behind,” representatives from dozens of churches and organizations from across the world gathered to explore their role in stemming climate change and the human suffering it is already causing.

Zum Auftakt des kleinen Klimagipfels fordern die Kirchen sofortiges Handeln

Vor dem Hintergrund der Staatenversammlung auf dem kleinen Klimagipfel der Vereinten Nationen haben das ACT-Bündnis, der Lutherische Weltbund und der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen, die zusammen weltweit 580 Millionen Menschen christlichen Glauben repräsentieren, am 23. September ihrer gemeinsamen Forderung nach Klimagerechtigkeit und sofortigem Handeln erneut Nachdruck verliehen.

As Climate Summit begins, churches call for action now!

As states gather at the United Nations for the Climate Action Summit, taking place on 23 September, the ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and World Council of Churches, which together represent 580 million Christians globally, are strengthening their collective call for climate justice and immediate action.

ÖRK intensiviert Engagement für Abrüstung

Das Engagement des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) für Abrüstung geht weiter und findet immer mehr Themen vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Ungerechtigkeiten und Spannungen in der Welt, die den Frieden tagtäglich bedrohen.

WCC pressing ahead with disarmament work

The work of the World Council of Churches (WCC) related to disarmament continues to endure and expand, even as the world faces increasing injustice and tensions that threaten peace on a daily basis.

Rev. Nathan Day Wilson: “Sunday’s values need to become Monday's values”

Rev. Nathan Day Wilson is a pastor with the Disciples of Christ in the United States and currently holds the position as director of communications at the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is associate editor and columnist for the Faith and Values section of the Indianapolis Star. Wilson was a lecturer at the seminar, “Equipping each other for Christian Witness in a multi-cultural and multi-faith world”, taking place at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute from 5-15 August.

WCC supports Zacchaeus campaign for tax justice

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is supporting a new ecumenical campaign advocating for tax justice, called the Zacchaeus Project (#ZacTAX), that was launched 11 July at the United Nations in New York City.

WCC climate justice project wins Keeling Curve Prize

On 28 June, a World Council of Churches (WCC) intergenerational climate justice project was awarded the Keeling Curve Prize, a recognition for initiatives that offer solutions to reduce global warming. The WCC project supports adolescents engaging in climate justice through church-run schools, Sunday schools, and summer camps. The project stems from Churches’ Commitments to Children, a partnership between the WCC and UNICEF.