Displaying 121 - 140 of 208

Solidarity overcomes sorrow: Indigenous Peoples gather in Trondheim

Journeying from urban centres and small Pacific islands, mountain ranges and rural towns, more than 170 Indigenous people gathered this week at the mouth of the river that flows from traditional Sami lands. Their conference, “Reconciliation Processes and Indigenous Peoples: Truth, Healing and Transformation,” brought together representatives of more than two dozen Indigenous societies in connection with the WCC Central Committee meetings in Trondheim, Norway.

La solidaridad alivia las penas: los pueblos indígenas se reúnen en Trondheim

Procedentes de centros urbanos y pequeñas islas del Pacífico, desde cordilleras y pueblos rurales, más de 170 indígenas se han dado cita esta semana en la desembocadura del río que fluye desde las tierras que tradicionalmente han pertenecido al pueblo sami. Su conferencia, “Los procesos de reconciliación y los pueblos indígenas: verdad, sanación y transformación”, reunió a representantes de más de una veintena de sociedades indígenas con ocasión del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, en Trondheim (Noruega).

Réunion des populations autochtones à Trondheim: la solidarité plus forte que le chagrin

Partis de centres urbains ou de petites îles du Pacifique, de massifs montagneux ou de communes rurales, plus de 170 autochtones se sont réunis cette semaine dans l’estuaire du fleuve qui parcourt les terres traditionnelles des Samis. Leur conférence, intitulée «Processus de réconciliation et populations autochtones: vérité, guérison et transformation», a rassemblé des représentantes et des représentants de plus d’une vingtaine de sociétés autochtones en marge des réunions du Comité central du COE à Trondheim, en Norvège.

Refugees on Greek isle say, "We come only for a safe life"

Sitting in a tent at the Souda camp, on the island of Chios in Greece, a Pakistani family of 12 recalls the lives they had in their home country. They had everything except safety. Muhammed and his wife, Asia, along with their 10 children, fled their home country in search of a place where they weren’t constantly fearing for their lives.

"I hit the ground running": Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

Two major crises have marked the months since the WCC called Katalina Tahaafe-Williams to work in Geneva on its migration, indigenous, and multicultural ministry programmes. When she took up the job in October, the European refugee crisis was in full flow. Then in November, terrorists attacked Paris.

Presbyterian Church in Taiwan delegation visits WCC

A delegation from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, led by general secretary Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong, was welcomed in Geneva by the WCC general secretary. Discussions focused on the situation of Christians and especially the situation for indigenous people in Taiwan.

Un obispo copto sopesa opciones para ayudar a los refugiados

El obispo Angaelos rezuma autoridad cuando habla de los refugiados y de los cristianos en Oriente Medio. Nacido en El Cairo, pertenece a la diáspora de Oriente Medio y de África y actualmente es obispo general de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Copta en el Reino Unido.

United Bible Societies: A world fellowship serving the churches

Bible Societies are working in more than 200 countries and territories around the world to make known the Word of God. At the heart of the work – from the translation of Holy Scripture to publishing, distribution and advocacy, and engagement activities – is the principle of collaborating with and serving the churches.

Consultation considers right to food in context of climate change

As the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change came to a close in Paris, a consultation organized by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance of the WCC on 11 December in Quezon City, Philippines considered “The Right to Food and Life in the Context of Climate Change.”

Japanische Kirchen diskutieren über die Probleme von Minderheiten

Etwa 200 Menschen aus über 20 japanischen Kirchen und Netzwerken für die Rechte von Minderheiten sowie ausländischen Partnerkirchen und -organisationen kamen im koreanischen CVJM in Tokio zusammen, um sich zu Problemen von Minderheiten und zum Thema Mission auszutauschen.

Japanese churches discuss minority issues

Some 200 people from Japanese churches and minority right networks as well as overseas partners, gathered for an international conference on minority issues and mission at the Korean YMCA in Tokyo.

Las iglesias japonesas hablan sobre cuestiones de las minorías

Unas 200 personas de más de 20 iglesias japonesas y redes de defensa de los derechos de las minorías –así como una veintena de iglesias y organizaciones asociadas del extranjero– se dieron cita en una tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Cuestiones de las Minorías y Misión, que tuvo lugar del 18 al 21 de noviembre en el YMCA coreano, en Tokio (Japón).