Displaying 241 - 260 of 263

Praying for unity with the Sisters of Grandchamp in 2021

You may miss the cry of the tortured Christ on the cross, carved by the Brazilian artist Guido Rocha, if you do not look carefully at your right hand side as you enter the dark-wooden chapel of the monastic Community of Grandchamp, a hamlet near the Lake of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland.

Orar por la unidad con las hermanas de Grandchamp en 2021

Si al entrar en la capilla de madera oscura de la comunidad monástica de Grandchamp, una aldea cerca del lago de Neuchâtel (Suiza), no se mira atentamente hacia la derecha, es posible no ver el grito del Cristo torturado en la cruz, tallado por el artista brasileño Guido Rocha, encarcelado y torturado por las dictaduras militares en Brasil y luego en Chile.

For Those Who Wish to Hear

Emerging Theologians on Mission and Evangelism

For those who wish to hear, these novel voices of emerging theologians offer authentic clues to translating the received traditions of Christianity in ways that might also transform the world.

Moving in the Spirit

Report of the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

The aim of this report of the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, which took place in Arusha, Tanzania, in March 2018, is to be as useful and user-friendly as possible for the reader, whether they are used to the ecumenical context or not. The Arusha conference was an extraordinary event in many ways, as the reader will discover in going through the conference material.

Arusha Report

Report and other resources of the WCC Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, held in Arusha, Tanzania, 8-13 March 2018.

Come and See

A Theological Invitation
 to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.

Faith and Order Paper No. 224.

This document invites the churches to explore the ways that “pilgrimage” can help the churches deepen and express the commitment to oneness in their work.

Current dialogue

Current Dialogue is the World Council of Churches’ journal on interreligious dialogue, offering a platform for debate to those who want to build bridges across religious divides and to their partners of different faiths.

Translating the Word, Transforming the World

An Ecumenical Reader

A stellar collection of nearly 30 of the most important, orienting documents of contemporary ecumenical and missiological reflection. Composed and compiled to serve as a textbook for the meeting of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, held in Arusha, Tanzania, in conjunction with the world conference of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism in March 2018, the volume nurtures ecumenical theological formation with a contextual sensitivity yet a truly global focus.

International Review of Mission

International Review of Mission is the leading journal on missiology with contributions from all over the world and from various Christian backgrounds. Founded in 1912, it is published by the World Council of Churches, and focuses on the ecumenical theology and practice of mission.

Growth in Agreement IV:

International Dialogue Texts and Agreed Statements, 2004–2014, Volumes 1 and 2

A gift to the ongoing work of reconciliation among Christians, the textual fruits of ecumenical dialogue over the last decade are presented here in complete documents. The vast yield is here collected in two volumes, incorporating bilateral and multilateral dialogues of the churches across the Christian confessions—Orthodox, Catholic, and Reformation traditions—and evinces not only agreements and disagreements but also the new insights that dialogue itself reveals.

Sharing Good News

Handbook on Evangelism in Europe

Sharing Good News is a comprehensive and timely contribution to the field of evangelism that takes full measure of the distinct challenges and opportunities that Christians face in contemporary Europe for students, professors, clergy and practitioners. Sharing Good News offers important keys to revitalizing Christian evangelism in the lives and discipleship of Christians across Europe.

Developed in a years-long consultative process, the volume includes expert contributions from around Europe and from a variety of confessional traditions keenly tuned to the particular challenges raised by secularization, migration, interreligious and cross-cultural encounter; a systematic, ecumenical framework for understanding evangelism in the present context; probing theological work on the meaning of evangelism in relation to mission, ecclesiology, and spirituality; and eight case studies that illustrate best practices and new paradigms in evangelism.

The Story of Bossey

A Laboratory for Ecumenical Life
Hans-Ruedi Weber
Robert K. Welsh

A short history of the premier institute for ecumenical studies, fully updated for Bossey’s 70th anniversary. Updated Edition.

Lodged in an 18th-century château overlooking Lac Léman and the Alps, the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland, is the premier site for ecumenical encounter and study.

Begun even before the inauguration of the World Council of Churches, during 70 years Bossey has drawn thousands of women and men from all over the world and every Christian confession and culture for seminars, conferences, and, since 1952, for its graduate school of ecumenical studies.  Its communal life and learning have changed the lives of many people and made it a true laboratory for new forms of ecumenical life.

This brief yet lively history of Bossey, penned by Hans-Ruedi Weber and updated by Robert K. Welsh, delves into the roots and evolution of Bossey and its programmes,  its place in the whole ecumenical movement,  and the people who have invested creative energy into its growth and flourishing.  The Story of Bossey reveals not only a life-changing venue for Christian encounter but a lens on the rapidly changing landscape of the larger church, the ecumenical movement, and indeed the world.

Sources of Authority, Volume 1

The Early Church. Faith and Order Papers 217

Living and witnessing to their faith in the first centuries after the New Testament, the men and women of the early church—theologians and bishops, ascetics and martyrs—have exerted a profound influence and authority in the subsequent theological and ecclesial periods and traditions.

Reading the Gospels with the Early Church: A Guide

Faith and Order Paper No. 213

“New refreshing insights on our understanding of the gospel in the 21st century from our ancient past—this is the surprising impact of what is captured in this small book in which the thoughts of early church figures are brought alive in a new way.” —Setri Nyomi, World Communion of Reformed Churches, General Secretary

The Church: Towards a Common Vision

Faith and Order Paper No. 214

At once the instrument of and obstacle to Christian unity, the identity of the church itself has often been the subject of debate and division in Christian history. Yet, despite such diversity and the steep challenges presented by the present context, The Church: Towards a Common Vision presents a genuine ecumenical convergence of understanding on the fundamental character and mission of the Church from a variety of communions, traditions, and regions.

Called to Be the One Church: Faith and Order at Crete

Report of the 2009 Meeting of the Plenary Commission — Faith and Order paper No.212

The historic ecumenical journey of the Commission on Faith and Order towards the goal of visible unity in one faith and in one eucharistic fellowship led them to the island of Crete in 2009 and to a fresh appreciation of many facets—historical, doctrinal, social, spiritual—of what it means to be called to be one Church today.

This stimulating volume gathers a rich array of presentations and reports from the Crete meeting, focused especially on the doctrine of the Church and the changing shape of the “visible unity” that Christians seek. Chief among its study projects, and the central focus of this volume, is rethinking the nature and mission of the Church in light of new contextual insights from around the world, deeper appreciation of the early Church’s ecclesial legacy, and highlighting the prophetic and missional roles of the Church today.