Come and See
Spec: 27 pp; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1725-6
Shelving: Religion/Missiology
Readers: Theologians, missiologists, students, mission societies, clergy
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This document invites the churches to explore the ways that “pilgrimage” can help the churches deepen and express the commitment to oneness in their work.
Pilgrimages are transformative journeys that are ultimately directed toward the reign of God. As they move together and face the challenges of the journey, pilgrims may be opened unexpectedly to new experiences of the holy and be renewed in heart and mind.
How does this focus on walking and acting together affect the churches in their search for “full visible unity”? Do such actions impel the churches to seek more urgently for ways to resolve their ecclesiological differences? Do they permit the churches to recognize more fully each other’s faith and ministry?
At its best, the way of pilgrimage also opens new ways of understanding and living toward unity, justice, and peace among churches and, indeed, among all humanity. A theology of pilgrimage challenges the churches to reflect on these questions and to consider how the churches can continue to travel from broken communion to full visible unity.