Conference on World Mission and Evangelism 2018
Spec: 495 pp; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
e-Book ISBN: 978-2-8254-1722-5
Shelving: Religion/Missiology
Readers: Theologians, missiologists, students, mission societies, clergy
This digital edition of the report of the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and evangelism, held in Arusha, Tanzania, 8-13 March 2018, is the most complete report of the 2018 conference. The electronic format permits a longer presentation than the printed versions, as well as the option of opening links to other material on the internet. We have followed here the same guiding principle as with the printed versions, which is user-friendliness. Our aim is that readers enjoy and use this e-book, whether they are used to the ecumenical context or not.