Displaying 141 - 160 of 1522

Your Word Is Truth Vol 2

The Bible in Christian Traditions

Five years after the first volume, this publication continues to showcase the distinctive ways in which encountering the Bible—in all its power and perplexity—has profoundly inspired, informed, and shaped different faith traditions.

The authors of each chapter have written from their areas of expertise and research rather than as official representatives of their traditions. They have contributed to this volume because of their commitments to the Bible, their ecclesial tradition, and Christian unity. Readers sometimes get a snapshot of the internal debates and historical contexts that have shaped the hermeneutical process. In other chapters, the author gives specific examples of why certain biblical texts have been privileged over others in liturgy or preaching.

Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma

A Guidebook for Local Faith Communities
David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

In Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma, the World Council of Churches presents experiences of local congregations responding to HIV stigma. HIV stigma remains a significant barrier to universal access to care and prevention services and continues to be a challenge for the world, demanding our engagement and action. The faith community, with its large networks, influence and leadership, is well-placed to end HIV stigma and discrimination. It is our responsibility to participate in the HIV response; it is our calling to care for the most vulnerable.

Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy

David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

The HIV epidemic continues to present a challenge for today’s world. The engagement and action of faith communities, in coordination with other actors, are crucial if we want to realize the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. How can the faith communities have sound and relevant responses to the current challenges of HIV? In Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy, the authors summarize three global strategies on HIV and provide examples of interventions and actions for faith communities.

Climate crisis: have we learned lessons from the past?

"2000", "3000", "10 000,” and "we cannot provide reliable estimates regarding the number of victims”—these were heard and read in the last days ever too often about the situation in Libya. This situation highlights the pressing issues of climate change and global injustices also regarding the youth. Again and again.