The World Council of Churches is following the latest developments in the United States of America with grave and mounting concern. The divisive populist politics of recent years have unleashed forces that threaten the foundations of democracy in the United States and - to the extent that it represents an example to other countries - in the wider world. Accordingly, these developments have implications far beyond domestic American politics and are of serious international concern.
The WCC urges those responsible for today’s violence to desist and to return to civil discourse and established democratic processes. We call on all parties to resist short-term political interests and to act in a manner responsible to others and accountable to the wider society.
We pray that the churches of America be empowered with wisdom and strength to provide leadership through this crisis, and on the path of peace, reconciliation, and justice.
Geneva 6 January, 2021
Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca
Interim General Secretary
World Council of Churches