The Executive Committee is asked to receive and forward the report of the Joint Consultative Group between Pentecostals and the World Council of Churches to the Assembly (Cf. approved recommendation 19 of the programme committee of the Central Committee of 28 August – 5 September 2012, GEN PRO 10).
The report of the Joint Consultative Group reflects the work of the group between the period 2007 and 2012. It is prepared as a resource for the Busan assembly with advice and recommendations for how to strengthen the dialogue between the fellowship of WCC member churches and Pentecostal churches around the world.
The report bears witness to the JCG members’ attempt to understand one another better and to bear witness to differing theological convictions. It contains theological reflections from the different traditions of the group members. It is neither an authoritative declaration of any of the churches involved, nor a confessional agreement on doctrinal issues. It is offered to those who are interested to learn more about the work of the JCG.