God of grace, justice and peace!
We give you thanks
for the activity and witness of the World Council of Churches over the past 70 years.
We acknowledge you, our God,
as the one who inspired the churches to form the WCC in Amsterdam in 1948.
Since then the WCC has held significant assemblies
that through you, God, have inspired and encouraged people
up to the most recent Assembly in Busan, South Korea in 2013.
The WCC has been a prophetic voice,
seeking to bring Christ’s concern for people and indeed for the creation itself,
especially where there is suffering and discrimination.
Through bringing people together in conferences around the world and in Geneva,
the WCC has stimulated the thinking of the churches
and enabled them to better understand your mission, our God, at this time.
We thank you for the leading of your Holy Spirit in regard to the work of the WCC,
for its many significant documents and activities.
We give thanks in particular for the general secretaries
and how they have witnessed to you, our triune God, and your will for the world.
As we look to the future,
we pray that the Spirit will continue to guide and inspire the work of the WCC.
May its leaders always look to Jesus the Lord of the church and the Lord of all.
Assist the WCC to continue to be a voice for you,
to share in your mission, and to point people to your Son.
This we pray in the name and Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Rev. Dr Chris Walker,
National consultant for Christian Unity, Doctrine and Worship
Uniting Church in Australia)