As new waves of infection cause suffering in many parts of the world, hope also comes in the form of delivery of effective vaccines, Sauca noted. "Questions regarding the end of this pandemic and return to earlier familiar patterns of living remain pressing for many, especially those whose lives and livelihoods have been adversely affected by the pandemic,” he wrote. “At a time such as this faith communities have a particular role to inject a new hope into our pandemic-ravaged world.”
The heightened awareness of our shared vulnerability calls us to new forms of solidarity reaching across all boundaries, Sauca added. “In this respect, religions can offer a precious contribution to serve and heal our wounded world,” he wrote. “Throughout human history, we know that religious hope has often inspired believers to care in love and compassion for those who suffer the tragedies of the human condition.”
This is a time to build further on common values of love, service and compassion that can lead us together towards healing and hope, he concluded. “Even as I offer my best wishes to all the WCC’s Buddhist partners on this special occasion, let me also express my deepest gratitude to you all for the longstanding relationship we enjoy,” he wrote. “In the sincere hope that this friendship will be further strengthened, through solidarity and action, I wish you, your families and your communities peace, good health and happiness in abundance on this special occasion and always.”