The executive committee approved plans and a budget for 2024, and further developed the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity. The WCC governing body also monitored 2023 and the implementation of WCC strategies. In addition to releasing four public statements, they also discussed the Green Village development project as well as ways to accompany member churches.
The meeting closed with a prayer at the Nigerian Baptist Convention, where WCC president from North America, Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith offered a reflection.
“A special word of appreciation for the hosting of my Baptist kindred within the Baptist World Alliance to which we are a part,” said Walker-Smith. “The priority of oneness and spirit of love for one another together, no matter what in the family, the church, or the community…we are together through thick and thin.”
She emphasized that Christ rose for all—“those who are afraid, those willing to find courage to stay at the table when matters are too difficult and to rediscover new and deepened ways to live in joy, those who doubt, those who suffer and mourn and whose human dignity is systematically assaulted in all regions of the world…”
All of us are called to be “together all the way,” Walker-Smith said, reflecting on the theme of the closing. prayer. “Christ has risen not for some but for all,” she said.
WCC executive committee statement on the consequences of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
WCC executive committee statement on the war in Palestine and Israel
WCC executive committee statement on COP28's responsibility for climate justice
WCC executive committee statement on Nigeria, in the regional context of Africa
WCC photo gallery of the WCC executive committee in Abuja, Nigeria
WCC “source of hope in this world,” says WCC moderator (WCC news release, 08 November 2023)