The WCC will draw from the applicant pool 130 young and emerging ecumenical theologians and educators from a broad spectrum of Christian traditions and all eight regions of the WCC to engage with one another on critical themes of our time.
The deadline is 15 October 2021. Young people ages 21-35 are eligible to apply. Click here to apply!
“The vibrant theological engagement of young people and emerging theologians nurtures the present and future ecumenical vision and helps the world to move forward amid today’s pressing issues.” said Rev. Dr Kuzipa Nalwamba, professor of Ecumenical Social Ethics and WCC programme executive for Ecumenical Theological Education.
“GETI as a flagship activity of the WCC Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE) programme highlights the importance of theological education as a strategy to nurture the present and future ecumenical vision. GETI 2022 will be such an opportunity that will harness constructive ideas on Christ’s love and reconciliation and how to make them visible in our world today.”
Nalwamba added: “Apply now—it’s a step you take to make the world a better place!”
About GETI 2022
The online phase will be from 25 July to 20 August 2022. The residential phase will take place at the BWGV Akademiehotel in Karlsruhe, Germany, 28 August – 8 September 2022 in the context of the WCC 11th Assembly. Students admitted to the Bossey Ecumenical Institute for the academic year 2022-23 will automatically join the programme.
The six themes will be: Healing Memories (Historic-Theological Track); Kairos for Creation (Eco-theological Track); Witness from the Margins (Practical-Diaconal Track); Engaging with Plurality (Intercultural-Interreligious Track); Body Politics: Body, Health and Healing (Just Relations Track); 4th Industrial Revolution & AI: Human Identity in the Context of Global Digitisation (special plenary).
The culmination of the programme will be a public lecture entitled GETI Goes Public! on 7 September 2022, to which an additional 100 guests from academic institutions in Germany will be invited.