Presbyterian Church of Cameroon
(Eglise presbytérienne camerounaise, EPC)
Fruit of the American Presbyterian Mission (now Presbyterian Church USA) since the 19th century and partially of the Basel Mission since 1920, the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon became an autonomous church in 1957. At the start of the 21st century the evangelical action of the EPC covers the whole of the national territory. The vast northern part of the country, which for a long time was considered a Muslim area, is today a mission field. The church has been able to train two pastors who are from that region. The EPC is also active in Europe, particularly in France and Switzerland where it has parish communities, and in neighbouring Gabon.
The church is composed of six synods and 25 consistories (or presbyteries). The medical department is responsible for eight hospitals. The school department runs 14 nursery, 32 primary and 11 secondary schools. There are also departments for Christian education and for agriculture. Various associations contribute to evangelism and social activities of the church: women, men, youth, companions for evangelization, and sons and daughters of pastors. The ECP maintains close relationships with the Presbyterian Church (USA), its historical partner.