
Executive Committee meeting

The 25-person Executive Committee is the WCC governing body, with members from churches in every region. It meets twice a year to monitor ongoing work, supervise the budget and deal with policy matters referred to it by the Central Committee.

Church in Larnaca, Cyprus

Church of Our Lady Angeloktisti at Kiti, Larnaca, Cyprus.


The Central Committee elects twenty of its members to serve as the Executive Committee of the WCC, along with the Central Committee officers - moderator, two vice-moderators and the general secretary - as well as the moderators of its programme and finance committees.

Meeting twice a year, the Executive Committee's role in policy-making is limited to matters specifically referred to it by the Central Committee - apart from unforeseen emergencies, in regard to which it may take provisional decisions. It appoints programme staff, monitors ongoing work, and supervises the budget approved by the Central Committee.