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사순절 자료집 #진정한 자유

A New Global Course for Lent 2024
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Korean 

True Freedom

Un nouveau cours mondial pour le carême
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Korean.

Um Guia para as Igrejas sobre a Prevenção da Fístula Obstétrica

WCC Human Rights programme

Este guia tem como objetivo sensibilizar igrejas e comunidades religiosas sobre a condição catastrófica que é a fístula obstétrica – uma lesão que ocorre no parto, geralmente devido a trabalhos de parto prolongados e obstruídos que não recebem intervenção médica em tempo hábil. A fístula obstétrica pode ter consequências físicas, emocionais e econômicas devastadoras para as mulheres, podendo inclusive levar a deficiência permanente.

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Robôs Assassinos

Um Guia de Campanha para as Igrejas
Jennifer Philpot-Nissen

Campaign guide for churches concerned about autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots".

The guide is designed to introduce churches to the issue of killer robots, and help raise awareness of the need for Christians to act to ensure decision-makers agree on a pre-emptive ban on the future development of such weapons.

Les Robots tueurs

Guide de campagne pour les Églises
Jennifer Philpot-Nissen

Campaign guide for churches concerned about autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots".

The guide is designed to introduce churches to the issue of killer robots, and help raise awareness of the need for Christians to act to ensure decision-makers agree on a pre-emptive ban on the future development of such weapons.

Les Jeudis en Noir: Aider les Enfants à Sortir de l’Ombre à la Lumière

Conjuguons nos actions pour une prise de conscience dans les Eglises et les communautés.

Church Resources For Ending Sexual Violence Against Children

Part of the Out of Shadows Toolkit

Information about the Thursdays in Black campaign, with suggestions for how to raise awareness about the risks for children, and using tools from the Out of the Shadows materials alongside the Thursdays in Black campaign.

Partenariat UNICEF-COE 2015-2021 : Exemples et temps forts des Engagements des Églises en faveur des enfants

En 2013, le COE a adopté une déclaration commune, « Placer l’enfant au centre », et il s’est associé à l’UNICEF pour renforcer les capacités de ses Églises membres et de ses partenaires oecuméniques dans les domaines : 1) de la protection des enfants et des adolescents, 2) de la promotion d’une participation significative des enfants et 3) de la mobilisation des enfants pour des initiatives de justice climatique.

L’UNICEF a conclu ce partenariat pour améliorer le bien-être des enfants en resserrant ses liens avec les acteurs religieux. En effet, ceux-ci peuvent aider les enfants les plus vulnérables, et ils possèdent souvent la confiance, l’influence morale et les moyens nécessaires pour agir. Ce partenariat permet en outre d’atteindre un plus grand nombre de partenaires locaux et sur le terrain.

Cette publication met en lumière les principales activités et réalisations de 2015 à 2021.

Aider les Enfants à Sortir de l’Ombre à la Lumière

Ressources De La Vie Spirituelle Pour Aborder Violences Sexuelles Contre Les Enfants

Ce matériel est destiné aux responsables spirituels qui souhaitent ajouter des études bibliques et des réflexions à un problème qui peut être difficile à aborder dans un contexte religieux : l'impact de l’abus sexuels des enfants, et comment nous, en tant qu'église, devons aider à protéger les enfants contre ce mal.

Parce Que Dieu M’aime - Affirmer Ma Valeur En Christ

Un programme d’éducation chrétienne contre la violence basée sur le genre

La violence continue de se propager dans nos sociétés non seulement chez les adultes mais également chez les enfants, les adolescents et les jeunes. Cet outil pédagogique, basé sur une méthodologie ludique et une approche participative est mis à la disposition des moniteurs et monitrices pour aider au développement des relations de confiance entre les enfants et pour faire d'eux des acteurs essentiels.

Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches

Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
Research & Coordination: Frederique Seidel
Research assistant: Virág Kinga Mezei

This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming. All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.