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Statement on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

‘Behold I create new heavens in which life, justice and peace are possible for all’.

(Isaiah  65:17-25)

Indigenous Peoples are created with God-given identities that are beautiful.  God was present in their lands and among their peoples before colonizers arrived. When Christians brought the Bible, Indigenous People recognized the voice of their Creator in Jesus’ teachings. They did not hear a call to reject their identities.


Living Water

Bible study on Acts 8:26-40 by Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi for the WCC Assembly, 4 November 2013: The text relates the mission of the Spirit to the symbol of the water of life. The Holy Spirit is the Life-giver, who sustains and empowers life and sends out God’s people to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. How and where do we discern God’s life-giving work, and how are we enabled to participate in God’s mission today?


L’eau vive

Étude biblique sur Actes 8,26-40 par Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, pour le 6e jour de l’Assemblée, 4 novembre 2013: Ce texte met en relation la mission de l’Esprit et le symbole de l’eau vivifiante. C’est l’Esprit Saint qui donne la vie, qui donne à la vie subsistance et puissance et qui envoie le peuple de Dieu prêcher la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus Christ. Comment et où discernons-nous l’œuvre vivifiante de Dieu, et comment recevons-nous la capacité à participer à la mission de Dieu aujourd’hui?


Roll Justice

Bible study on Amos 5:14-24 by Katie G. Cannon for the WCC Assembly, 1 November 2013: Asia is the continent of suffering and hope. On the one hand, the text focuses on people’s suffering and struggle for justice; on the other hand, it provides a vision of the reign of God. Moreover, it suggests concrete ways in which to live out kingdom values on earth through the achievement of justice and peace. Wrestling with the text to find ways to transform suffering, tears and despair into liberation, joy and hope, in the Bible and in our context, is the focus.


Do Just This – Protect Life!

Bible study on Genesis 2:4b-17 by Jione Havea for the WCC Assembly, 31 October 2013: The God of life created human beings from the earth with God’s breath of life. The very nature of human life is in connection with God and creation. God entrusted us with the mission to look after the garden of life and forbad us to eat the fruits that tempt us to be like the Almighty God. The opening Bible study is a reflection on the nature of life and how to celebrate, sustain and affirm it in relation to the theme of the assembly. Diverse contextual readings of the text are possible.


5. Déclaration sur l'eau pour la vie

Le rapport ci-après a été présenté à l'Assemblée qui en a pris acte. Les résolutions qu'il contient ont été proposées par le Comité des questions d'actualité et approuvées par l'Assemblée par consensus. Les opinions divergentes exprimées par des délégué(e)s à l'Assemblée sont consignées sous forme de notes à la fin du document.
