Displaying 121 - 140 of 362

Virtual services enable real prayer, but not all have online access

As the world grapples with the spread of the new coronavirus, churches are finding ways to continue their traditions, but now by virtual means. On the coming Sabbath, churches around the world will engage in prayer, not publicly – as the church moves out of big public buildings – but inside the private spaces of homes.

The essential role of crisis communication

In the past several months, beginning with an epidemic that quickly became an emergency situation, COVID-19 has escalated into a global crisis, spreading fear and uncertainty everywhere.

Greenland’s grand Gospel preacher

Although she loves what she is doing, there are times when bishop Sofie Petersen feels a strong desire to be someplace else than inside her cosy diocesan office in Nuuk, Greenland. Preferably outdoors, inhaling crisp, arctic air in a stunningly beautiful landscape where mighty polar bears roam and huge whales gently plough their way through the ice-scattered waters along the coastline.

La grande prédicatrice de l’Évangile du Groenland

Même si elle aime ce qu’elle fait, il y a des moments où l’évêque Sofie Petersen a le désir impérieux de se trouver ailleurs que dans son confortable bureau diocésain à Nuuk, au Groenland. De préférence dehors, inhalant l’air vif de l’Arctique dans un paysage d’une beauté époustouflante où de puissants ours polaires déambulent et d’immenses baleines tracent leur route paisiblement entre les plaques de glace le long de la côte.

A holistic approach to climate change

It has been a long hot summer in Greenland. Not only in terms of record high temperatures but also politically in terms of outrage over US president Donald Trump’s surprise attempt to “buy” the island. That also caused a diplomatic row with NATO-ally Denmark, which Greenland has been part of since 1721.

Une approche holistique des changements climatiques

L’été a été long et chaud au Groenland, non pas uniquement du côté des températures qui ont atteint des sommets, mais également dans la sphère politique du fait d’une levée de boucliers provoquée par la tentative surprise du président américain Donald Trump d’«acheter» l’île. Cet incident a également provoqué une crise politique avec le Danemark, pays allié au sein l’OTAN, dont le Groenland fait partie depuis 1721.

WCC staff appointed to WHO Civil Society Working Group on NCDs

The WHO Director-General has convened a Civil Society Working Group on non-communicable diseases to strengthen civil society contribution to combat NCDs. In this regard, the WHO has appointed the WCC programme executive for Health and Healing, Dr Mwai Makoka, to this working group.