Displaying 1 - 20 of 108

From generation to generation

The mountaintop is a holy place. The valleys below are distant, and the weight of daily life feels momentarily lifted. In scripture, its where humanity and the divine meet: Moses conversed with God amidst fire and cloud on Sinai; Elijah heard the still small voice on Horeb; Jesus transfigured in the presence of his disciples, his face shining like the sun. 

Executive committee forms source of hope for WCC leader

The meeting of our World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee began at the Diocesan Center of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus in Paralimni. In my report as moderator, I spoke about sources of hope in a world that sometimes seems to give so little cause for hope. And I spoke about how we, as the World Council of Churches, can fulfill the prophetic mission of the church in the face of this world situation.

If we want to change tomorrow, we must start today

This September, in New York, I attended the United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future. This event brought thousands of people from across the globe together. It included: heads of state, government representatives, civil society actors, faith-based actors, young people, and activists. Together we discussed the future of our world and the multilateral system, and a Pact for the Future document was adopted by governments. 

A young person’s reflections on what “health” really means

My work experience at the World Council of Churches (WCC) consisted of meeting with professionals whose work related to health. Before our meetings, I wanted to get a clear understanding of the term health.” The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

Advocacy and prophetic witness for metanoia

The Kanak concept of “Do Kamo: the authentic human in a permanent becoming”, emphasizes that true human nature is not a fixed state—not something one is born with, but rather an ongoing process of maturation. This is a metaphor for personal growth and transformation, as individuals let go of their past selves and embrace their true identities. This transformation symbolizes shedding our primitive natures and embracing the qualities and potentials of a Do Kamo.

Engaging climate justice: WCC Eco-School

Students who recently completed the WCC Eco School in Crete, Greece, took time to compile their reflections on how the experience helped them hone their messages and actions related to climate justice and a transition to green energy. This is first of a series of blog entries from Eco School students.

Climate crisis: have we learned lessons from the past?

"2000", "3000", "10 000,” and "we cannot provide reliable estimates regarding the number of victims”—these were heard and read in the last days ever too often about the situation in Libya. This situation highlights the pressing issues of climate change and global injustices also regarding the youth. Again and again.

GEM School: a North Star of economic justice

On a recent morning walk right before dawn, I could still see the stars. I saw the Polaris Star, or North Star, which is the brightest star in its constellation. It reminded me of the Underground Railroad and the network of people in North America who led Black people from southern bondage to northern freedom by following the North Star. 

Witnessing the mighty river flow

What an incredible time to be living in! While skepticism and eco-anxiety tend to be the results we most see nowadays as we grow aware of the dimensions of the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity and the socio-environmental crisis, for me I can't help but feel the daring and stubborn Christian hope as I grow increasingly committed to ecumenical care for creation. 

Where are we at the climate change negotiations?

COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh is over. Numerous reports have all pointed out that if we don't cut the emissions of greenhouse gases radically and immediately, we will not keep the global average temperature rise below 1.5 degrees. Therefore, the emissions must drastically decrease in the coming decades if we want to avoid severe consequences for our home, planet Earth.

Faith communities at COP27

COP27 is being held 7-18 November, in the cradle of civilization: the magnificent Egypt. Behind the backdrop of ancient pyramids, the Red Sea, Mount Sinai, and the Nile River, numerous heads of states and world leaders descended upon COP27 at Sharm El-Sheikh to negotiate and act upon climate change policies which affect us worldwide.

A meeting place, a zone for exchange, and a second home: The Networking Zone from the perspective of the Protestant Church in Switzerland

Nomen est omen – the big white hall right next to the entrance really lived up to its name as a Networking Zone during the assembly. Here, there were times of colorful confusion, laughter, concentrated listening, and relaxed tranquility on the sidelines of a program that was filled to the brim. The Networking Zone was a source of strength for us at the Protestant Church in Switzerland, which was allowed to occupy a booth here as one of the host churches. This hall came to life only through the efforts of everyone at their booths: after getting their bearings, refueling with the best assembly coffee, some Ricola drops, and candies from the ACK, they were ready to keep going.

Voices on the ground: peace, social justice, and ethics—the way to the end of hunger

Halfway to the sustainable development goals, the latest UN indicators show a record increase in hunger. The World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization report that 828 million people are hungry, an increase of 46 million from the previous year and an increase of 150 million people since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of people worldwide who cannot afford a healthy diet has increased by 112 million, reaching nearly 3.1 billion by 2020, the report said. Millions of people are at risk of falling into a vicious cycle of malnutrition, ill health, and poverty, exacerbating inequalities already visible to current and future generations.