Displaying 21 - 40 of 47

Growth in Agreement IV:

International Dialogue Texts and Agreed Statements, 2004–2014, Volumes 1 and 2

A gift to the ongoing work of reconciliation among Christians, the textual fruits of ecumenical dialogue over the last decade are presented here in complete documents. The vast yield is here collected in two volumes, incorporating bilateral and multilateral dialogues of the churches across the Christian confessions—Orthodox, Catholic, and Reformation traditions—and evinces not only agreements and disagreements but also the new insights that dialogue itself reveals.

WCC, Roman Catholic joint group celebrate 50 years of ecumenical work

“The WCC is grateful for new momentum in collective efforts to manifest our common faith in God the creator and our commitment to common service,” said the WCC general secretary, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, as he spoke at the 50th anniversary gathering of a joint WCC-Roman Catholic group.

Neuvième Rapport du Groupe mixte de travail

Ce rapport, qui présente une synthèse des activités du GMT durant les années 2007-2012, comprend deux documents d’étude ainsi que les réflexions sur le rôle des jeunes. Le membre du groupe offrent ces textes aux mandants, le Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens (CPPUC) et le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), en espérant qu’ils seront reçus par les Églises et les chrétiens du monde entier et qu’ils les inspireront dans leur cheminement œcuménique.

Joint Working Group

Summary of the Ninth Report

This document offers a summary of the Ninth report from the Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the WCC, which relates the focus and work of the group from 2007 through 2012. As the group approaches its fiftieth year, its recent foci include in-depth work on the notion of ecclesial reception of ecumenical work, the spiritual roots of ecumenism, church participation of youth, and emerging work on migration.

Joint Working Group

Ninth report of the Joint Working Group

This report outlines the activities of the JWG during 2007-2012 and includes the two study documents and reflections on the role of youth. The JWG members offer these texts to the parent bodies, i.e. the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), and hope that they will be received by churches and Christians around the world, inspiring them in their own ecumenical journey.

Joint Working Group

Résumé du Neuvième Rapport

Ce document est le résumé d'un grand rapport établi par le Groupe mixte de travail sur le champ d'action et le travail du Groupe de 2007 à 2012. Le groupe, qui célèbrera bientôt cinquante ans d'existence, s’est récemment penché sur le concept de réception ecclésiale des travaux œcuméniques, les racines spirituelles de l'œcuménisme, la participation des jeunes dans l'Église et le travail qui se profile en matière de migration. Intitulé Se recevoir mutuellement au nom du Christ: Neuvième Rapport, 2007-2012, il est publié séparément.

Joint Working Group

International Dialogues in Dialogue: Context and Reception. Tenth Forum on Bilateral Dialogues, 2012

Meeting for the first time outside Europe, the tenth Forum on Bilateral Dialogues met in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March 2012. Following the recommendations on the reception of ecumenical texts from the ninth forum, the meeting in Dar Es Salaam gave special attention to the reception of the achievements of the bilateral dialogues in the Global South. Its recommendations urge the international theological dialogues to be more intentional about questions of membership, methodology, and theological questions about Christian unity that emerge from the variety of contexts in the South.

Commission on Faith and Order

Communiqué of the JWG Plenary Meeting 2011

The island of Malta located in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and the shores of Tunisia and Libya was the setting for the last plenary meeting of the Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC) before the forthcoming WCC assembly in 2013 in Busan (Korea). Malta has been at the crossroads of Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East throughout its history.

Joint Working Group

Obituary for Dom Emmanuel Lanne

Tribute to the life and work of Dom Emmanuel Lanne on the occasion of his death. Father Lanne belonged to the first group of Roman Catholic theologians that became in especially close ways associated with the WCC as members of the Commission on Faith and Order.

WCC Programmes

Many ways to Christian unity? The Ninth Forum on Bilateral Dialogues, 2008

Bilateral dialogues are official talks between two Christian churches or families of churches (often known as Christian World Communions, CWCs). They aim at overcoming inherited divergences often related to doctrine and church order, so that the two partners in dialogue may move to declaring that they are in fellowship. The proliferation of bilateral dialogues as from the 1960s has led to the creation of the Forum on Bilateral Dialogues. The Forum provides space and time for CWCs engaged in bilateral dialogues to exchange information, consult together on emerging issues and trends and reflect on the coherence and integrity of the dialogues. The ninth such forum was held in Breklum, Germany, 10-15 March 2008.

Commission on Faith and Order