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Where despair prevails, South Sudan churches issue Easter hope message

For most of the world’s newest nation, wracked by internal conflict, joy seems far away, and yet for Christians, Easter is still a time of hope. A recent message from the South Sudan Council of Churches says the Resurrection reminds us that even in this world there is “goodness and light with triumph”.

Allá donde reina la desesperación, las iglesias de Sudán del Sur emiten un mensaje pascual cargado de esperanza

Para la mayoría de los habitantes de la nación más joven del mundo, sacudida por el conflicto interno, la alegría parece estar muy lejos; pero para los cristianos, la Pascua sigue siendo un tiempo de esperanza. Un mensaje emitido recientemente por el Consejo de Iglesias de Sudán del Sur dice que la Resurrección nos recuerda que incluso en este mundo hay “bondad y luz con triunfo”.

Connected, yet disconnected: Famine in the midst of plenty

Never has humanity lived in a more connected, yet disconnected time! Connected by the endless notifications on our smartphones – alerting us to all the latest news and tidings in our social media, yet not connected deeply enough to respond substantially to people's suffering. Among the many tragedies are the human-made famines in South Sudan, Somalia, North-Eastern Nigeria and in Yemen.

Seven Weeks for Water 2017, week 2: "Feminization of water poverty in Africa", by Dr Agnes Abuom

The second of the seven reflections of the Lenten Campaign: Seven Weeks for Water 2017 of the Word Council of Churches’ (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) is by Dr Agnes Abuom, moderator of the WCC’s Central Committee. 

Dr Abuom is the first woman and first African to hold this important position. She is also the Executive Director of TAABCO Research and Development Consultants, based in Nairobi, Kenya. In her reflection, being an African woman on the eve of International Women’s Day, she explores the linkages between poverty, water scarcity and its impact on women.  It is also contextual in that today Kenya is reeling under a serious drought which is deteriorating the situation for women as they are mostly responsible for fetching water for their families.

WCC Programmes

Preventing incitement to violence which could lead to atrocity crimes in Africa

09 - 11 May 2016

Religious actors representing different faiths from a broad range of countries participate in the meeting, including Burundi, the Central African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. They will work together over two days to develop a strategy to prevent and counter incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence in the region.

The event is co-organized by the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), the World Council of Churches, and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What could the World Council of Churches do regarding global migration?

It's true: migration is a common phenomenon in human history. People have always been moving from one place to the other either forced by circumstances or by choice. However, in our post-colonial, post-cold-war world of globalization, with increased inequality both with in countries and between countries as well as with increased awareness and enhanced transport, the scale of human migration continues to grow every year.

Geschichte eines Flüchtlings: Von Syrien nach Frankreich

Azad* ist aus der Gegend nördlich von Aleppo in Syrien geflohen und befindet sich derzeit im Flüchtlingslager „Dschungel“ in Calais (Frankreich). „Es ist hart hier“, sagt Azad und verstummt. „Die Menschen haben Hunger und Angst, sie frieren und es gibt nichts zu tun“. Er sitzt im Schneidersitz auf dem Fußboden seiner kleinen Notunterkunft.

One refugee’s story: from Syria to France

Azad is a refugee from the north of Aleppo, Syria and is currently in The Jungle camp in Calais, France. “It’s hard here” says Azad, and then falls quiet. “People are hungry, cold, afraid and we can’t do anything”. He’s sitting cross-legged on the floor of a small shelter.

De Siria a Francia: la historia de un refugiado

Azad* es un refugiado del norte de Alepo (Siria). Actualmente, se encuentra en el campamento de La Jungla en Calais (Francia). “Es difícil aquí”, dice Azad, y se calla. “La gente tiene hambre, frío, miedo y no podemos hacer nada”. Está sentado con las piernas cruzadas en el suelo de un pequeño refugio.

Faith communities urge U.S. to resettle more Syrian refugees

Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and other faith communities are urging the U.S. government to resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees this coming fiscal year, in addition to increasing the total U.S. resettlement commitment to 100,000 refugees from other parts of the world.

ÖRK verurteilt Einsatz von bewaffneten Drohnen

Der ÖRK-Exekutivausschuss hat den Einsatz von Drohnen oder unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen verurteilt und erklärt, sie seien eine „ernsthafte Bedrohung für die Menschheit“ und schüfen „gefährliche Präzedenzfälle in den zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen“.

Use of armed drones condemned by WCC

The WCC Executive Committee has condemned the use of drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles saying that they pose “serious threats to humanity” and the “right to life” while setting “dangerous precedents in inter-state relations”.

El CMI denuncia el uso de los drones armados

El Comité Ejecutivo del CMI ha denunciado el uso de los drones, o UAV (vehículos aéreos no tripulados), afirmando que representan una seria amenaza para la humanidad y para el derecho a la vida y sientan un peligroso precedente en las relaciones interestatales.