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Digital Justice

A Study and Action Guide

Are you worried about fake news and social media causing real-world problems? Are you concerned about online hate speech and trolling? Are you committed to ecological and social justice, but are not sure how this relates to anything digital

Do you, or does anyone you know use digital technologies to build community, work, and advocate for justice? If you said yes to any of these questions, this guide is for you.

Whether used for group discussion or individual learning, the guide explains some of the key justice dilemmas of our increasingly digital world, with fast facts, case studies, faith connections, discussion questions, and suggestions for further resources. 

The guide is a co-publication of the World Council of Churches and the World Association for Christian Communication [www.waccglobal.org]

Walk the Talk / Dalle parole ai fatti

Tabella di marcia per chiese e comunità per un’economia di vita e per la giustizia ecologica.

“Walk the Talk” si basa sulla pubblicazione del CEC intitolata “Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice”.  La tabella di marcia è un’eredità del pastore Norman Tendis, scomparso nell’incidente dell’Ethiopian Airlines nel 2019. Tendis era consulente CEC per l’Economia della Vita e dal 2017 al 2019 è stato pastore della Chiesa evangelica luterana in Austria.

Norman, come si legge ancora nel documento, “si è impegnato a costruire un mondo più giusto, sostenibile, come una questione di fede. E credeva che fosse importante iniziare nei nostri cortili. Norman ha contribuito a stabilire ‘Rainbow Land’ – un giardino per rifugiati che circonda una parrocchia a Landskron, dove migranti e richiedenti asilo possono riconnettersi con la terra, promuovere amicizie tra loro e con i vicini e trarre dignità dal lavoro”. Dopo il “Piano d’azione per la giustizia ecologica”, arriva ora questo contributo.

Dignity, Freedom and Grace: Christian Perspectives on HIV, AIDS, and Human Rights

Bringing together people living with, working with, researching, or personally affected by HIV or AIDS, this volume developed by the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) and its global partners draws directly from on-the-ground experiences elicited from frontline actors in the churches and agencies. Their insights and reflections are always lively, sometimes uncomfortable, and often deeply moving.