Displaying 1641 - 1658 of 1658

"SAY 'NO'", by Wolfgang Borchert

This poem was written in 1947 a few days before Borchert died at the age of 26. The following is an adaptation of the German version, first prepared by youth participants at the vigil for peace and justice at the WCC Assembly in Vancouver in 1983


The eucharistic liturgy of Lima

The Lima Liturgy is a Eucharistic (Holy Communion) service expressing, in one possible liturgical form, the ecclesiological convergence on the eucharist reached in the Faith and Order text Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM). It is so named because it was first used at the Faith and Order Plenary Commission meeting in Lima, Peru in 1982 - the meeting which approved BEM for transmission to the churches for official response.

Commission on Faith and Order

Liturgie eucharistique de Lima

La liturgie de Lima est un service eucharistique (Sainte Cène) exprimant, sous une forme liturgique possible, la convergence ecclésiologique sur l'eucharistie réalisée dans le texte de Foi et constitution Baptême, eucharistie, ministère (BEM). Elle tire son nom du fait qu'elle a été utilisée pour la première fois lors de la réunion de la Commission plénière de Foi et constitution à Lima, Pérou, en 1982 - la réunion qui approuva le BEM pour transmission aux Eglises en vue d'une réaction officielle.

Commission on Faith and Order

First report of the Joint Working Group

After several preliminary meetings between representatives of the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity and of the World Council of Churches, the mandate for the Joint Working Group was presented to and adopted by the Central Committee at its meeting in Nigeria in January 1965. It was thereafter also officially accepted by the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church. In working out this project, the Roman Catholic side was guided by the Decree on Ecumenism, promulgated at the end of the third session of the Vatican Council; while the representatives of the World Council of Churches based their approach on the main lines of several WCC documents that describe the nature and function of the World Council and on various statements made by the World Council on the contemporary ecumenical situation.

Joint Working Group

New Delhi Statement on Unity

This is the report of the Section on Unity at the WCC 3rd Assembly. Particularly in paragraph 2 -- probably the greatest run-on sentence in ecumenical history -- we have one of the seminal and enduring statements on the nature of "organic unity".
