Displaying 7661 - 7680 of 7684

Ecumenical Considerations on Jewish-Christian Dialogue

In 1975 the Consultation on the Church and the Jewish People (CCJP) voted to begin the process that has borne fruit in these Ecumenical Considerations on Jewish-Christian dialogue. The first step was to request preparatory papers from the various regions with experience in Jewish-Christian dialogue. When the Central Committee adopted "Guidelines on Dialogue" in 1979, work on developing specific suggestions for Jewish-Christian dialogue began and, after a period of drafting and revisions, a draft was presented for comments to the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC), the CCJP's primary Jewish dialogue partner. After discussion in the DFI Working Group in 1980, a revised draft was circulated among interested persons in the churches and comments solicited. Many and substantial comments and suggestions were received.

When it met in London Colney, England, in June 1981, the CCJP adopted its final revisions and submitted them to the DFI Working Group, which adopted them at its meeting in Bali, Indonesia, 2 January 1982, having made its own revisions at a few points. On the advice of the February 1982 WCC Executive Committee, various concerned member churches and various members of the CCJP were further consulted in order to revise and re-order the text. The result, "Ecumenical Considerations on Jewish-Christian Dialogue", was "received and commended to the churches for study and action" by the Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches at Geneva on 16 July 1982.

WCC Programmes

The eucharistic liturgy of Lima

The Lima Liturgy is a Eucharistic (Holy Communion) service expressing, in one possible liturgical form, the ecclesiological convergence on the eucharist reached in the Faith and Order text Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM). It is so named because it was first used at the Faith and Order Plenary Commission meeting in Lima, Peru in 1982 - the meeting which approved BEM for transmission to the churches for official response.

Commission on Faith and Order

WOCATI 2011 Consultation Communiqué

Communique from the 2011 Consultation of the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions (WOCATI), which took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 4 to 8 July. The Consultation, the first ever mabe in Africa, gathered 38 representatives of Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Pentecostal and African Independent Churches, who discussed issues of quality in theological education on a global level.

Ecumenical movement

Transforming Life, Volume 1

This publication presents the challenges posed by newly
emerging technologies to people of faith. It is a discussion
starter and wants to encourage urgently needed study and
reflection by churches, theological faculties and ecumenical
bodies in close cooperation with each other. The new
technologies represent a new stage of development, which
requires a fresh approach and change of perspective.

WCC Programmes

Cultivar la paz, superar la violencia: en el camino de Cristo,

Este texto es una invitación a participar en el estudio y la reflexión teológicos sobre la paz, la justicia y la reconciliación, que se realiza en el marco del Decenio para Superar la Violencia: las iglesias en pos de la paz y la reconciliación 2001-2010. Constituye una base para la reflexión teológica de Fe y Constitución sobre la paz y la problemática de la violencia.

Commission on Faith and Order
Programme activity
Drawing of a dove carrying an olive branch while wearing a bullet proof vest, on a wall in Bethlehem.

Peace-building: Conflict transformation & Reconciliation

Christians and churches are entrusted with the ministry of peace and reconciliation. The WCC response to violence and violent conflict today is based on decades of ecumenical deliberation, understanding, practice and advocacy, assisting churches to make progress toward greater unity for peace.

Programme activity
Drawing of a dove carrying an olive branch while wearing a bullet proof vest, on a wall in Bethlehem.

Construcción de la paz

Este proyecto forma parte integral de la respuesta del CMI a la violencia y los conflictos violentos actuales. Se basa en décadas de deliberaciones, comprensión, práctica y defensa de la paz en el plano ecuménico. Se trata de un proyecto participativo y orientado a la acción, que ayuda a las iglesias y a los grupos relacionados con ellas a progresar hacia una mayor unidad en favor de la paz.

Programme activity
Solidarity with churches in the Middle East

Peacebuilding: Middle East

The situation of the Middle East calls for collective efforts by ecumenical partners to achieve peace and justice at local, national, regional and international levels. The WCC aims to build a space where the entire ecumenical movement can put its collective energies and resources together for lasting peace.

Programme activity
Iglesias y Oriente próximo: solidaridad y testimonio por la paz

Iglesias y Oriente próximo: solidaridad y testimonio por la paz

La situación de Oriente Medio exige a los asociados ecuménicos desplegar esfuerzos colectivos para lograr la paz y la justicia a nivel local, nacional, regional e internacional. El CMI trata de crear un espacio en el que el movimiento ecuménico pueda aunar sus energías y sus recursos comunes en aras de una paz duradera.