Displaying 1 - 20 of 34

Letter to the UN Secretary General on Iraq

Open letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon by Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, associate general secretary of the WCC, expressing concern over the fate of hundreds of thousands of Christians, Yazidis, and other religious and ethnic groups being killed and forced to flee from their ancestral land in Iraq by radical combatants from the so-called “Islamic State”.

WCC Programmes

Brief and die ÖRK-Mitgliedskirchen im Nordirak

In einem offenen Brief an die Mitgliedskirchen des ÖRK im Nordirak brachte Dr. Isabel Apawo Phiri, amtierende und beigeordnete Generalsekretärin des ÖRK für Öffentliches Zeugnis und Diakonie, die Solidarität des ÖRK für die Christinnen und Christen, die kirchlichen Gemeinschaften und alle Menschen in der Ninive-Ebene im Nordirak und den angrenzenden Regionen zum Ausdruck und hat zu Gebeten für sie aufgerufen.

WCC Programmes

Letter to the WCC member churches in Northern Iraq

An open letter to the WCC member churches in Northern Iraq by Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, associate general secretary of the WCC, soliciting prayers for the Christians, the church communities and all the suffering people on the Plain of Nineveh in northern Iraq, as well as the surrounding region. Reports in recent days have confirmed the forced displacement and indiscriminate killing of Christians, Yazidis, and members of other vulnerable religious and ethnic communities in Iraq as the result of military attacks by the “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham” (ISIS).

WCC Programmes