Displaying 1 - 16 of 16

Christian Conference of Asia explores “our common journey”

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), on 11-12 July, held an international consultation on “Towards Revitalising the Ecumenical Movement in Asia.” The gathering of 60 church and ecumenical leaders was organised by the CCA at its headquarters in Chiang Mai, Thailand as a prelude to its Diamond Jubilee celebration.

Bossey: forming ambassadors of reconciliation

The sound of a bell “calling across fields and cities, re-assembling the community that celebrates the new creation” opened the Sunday service prepared to commemorate 70 years of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, on 2 October. The celebration closed a three-day programme of activities around the historic institute’s anniversary.

Nach Busan: Auf dem Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens

Fast hundert Vertreter/innen aus den deutschen Mitgliedskirchen des ÖRK trafen sich vom 16. bis 18. Januar in der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, um ihre Erfahrungen bei der 10. Vollversammlung des ÖRK zu teilen und ein gemeinsames Weitergehen auf dem Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens zu besprechen.

After Busan: A pilgrimage of justice and peace

Nearly one hundred representatives of the German member churches of the WCC met from 16 to 18 January at the Evangelical Academy of Loccum in order to share their experiences from the WCC 10th Assembly and to discuss how they would continue their way together on their pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Theological education initiative begins in Seoul

More than 200 international theology students of varied Christian traditions have commenced participating in the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI). An opening with a vibrant worship service at the Graduate School of Theology of Hanshin University marked the beginning of the GETI on 26 October in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Online directory for theological institutions to be launched

A Global Theological Education Survey started by the Ecumenical Theological Education programme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with other organizations is under way, and will result in the launch of a web based global directory of theological institutions.

Theological educators in Korea prepare for 2013 WCC Assembly

Theological faculties in the Republic of Korea are preparing for the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) which is to take place in the Korean city of Busan in late October and early November 2013. On 23 March 2012, a staff representative of the WCC gave an update on assembly planning to the annual congress of the Korean Association of Accredited Theological Schools (KAATS) meeting on the campus of Yonsei University in Seoul.