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Living Water

Bible study on Acts 8:26-40 by Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi for the WCC Assembly, 4 November 2013: The text relates the mission of the Spirit to the symbol of the water of life. The Holy Spirit is the Life-giver, who sustains and empowers life and sends out God’s people to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. How and where do we discern God’s life-giving work, and how are we enabled to participate in God’s mission today?


L’eau vive

Étude biblique sur Actes 8,26-40 par Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, pour le 6e jour de l’Assemblée, 4 novembre 2013: Ce texte met en relation la mission de l’Esprit et le symbole de l’eau vivifiante. C’est l’Esprit Saint qui donne la vie, qui donne à la vie subsistance et puissance et qui envoie le peuple de Dieu prêcher la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus Christ. Comment et où discernons-nous l’œuvre vivifiante de Dieu, et comment recevons-nous la capacité à participer à la mission de Dieu aujourd’hui?


Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)

Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)
This concise text (about 2,300 words) was adopted by WCC member churches at the Porto Alegre Assembly (February, 2006) as a basis for their renewed commitment to the search for visible unity. It invites the churches into a renewed conversation - mutually supportive, yet open and searching - about the quality of their fellowship and communion, and about the issues which still divide them. WCC member churches are asked to respond officially to the text by the next WCC Assembly; study groups and individuals are also invited to offer comments and reactions.

Commission on Faith and Order

Appelés à être l'Eglise une (texte sur l'ecclésiologie adopté à Porto Alegre)

Assez bref (environ 2 300 mots), ce texte a été adopté par les Eglises membres du COE à l'Assemblée de Porto Alegre (février 2006) comme constituant une base pour leur volonté réaffirmée de rechercher l'unité visible. Il invite les Eglises à relancer leurs conversations - qui doivent se soutenir mutuellement tout en restant ouvertes et rigoureuses - sur la qualité de leur communauté fraternelle et de leur communion ainsi que sur les problèmes qui continuent à les diviser. Il a été demandé aux Eglises membres du COE de communiquer leur réponse officielle à ce texte d'ici la prochaine Assemblée du COE ; les groupes d'étude et toutes personnes intéressées sont également invités à faire connaître leurs commentaires et leurs réactions.

Commission on Faith and Order

Towards a Common Understanding of Laity/Laos: Consultation Statement

From 7-10 May 1997, twenty-seven men and women in cooperation with the World Council of Churches met in Geneva to consider together the possibility of a common understanding of the theological concepts of laity/laos/the people of God. We talked about the present situation and future challenges to the Christian churches. The meeting was chaired by Fr Nicholas Apostola (Romanian Orthodox Church) and Dr Anne Tveter (Lutheran). It was organized by Evelyn Appiah, Executive Secretary of the Stream of Lay Participation towards Inclusive Community.

WCC Programmes

The Meaning of Membership

The WCC Executive Committee agreed in February 1995 that the process of study and consultation on the "common understanding and vision of the World Council of Churches" should aim at preparing a document for the Eighth Assembly, on the occasion of the WCC's 50th anniversary, which might serve as an "ecumenical charter" for the 21st century. In September 1995, the Central Committee approved a procedure for preparing such a text. An initial draft came from a consultation in December 1995 which brought together some 35 persons from all regions and church traditions. This was shared with a variety of groups and individuals, then revised in June 1996 and sent to the Central Committee for discussion in September 1996.

Central Committee