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"ماما شمسا": "مارس الإنسانية" لتغذية الروح

امرأة تعمل مع الشباب في كينيا – وهم شباب تحولوا ذات مرة إلى ارتكاب جرائم شنيعة - جعلت مجموعة من الشباب المسيحيين واليهود والمسلمين يذرفون دموع الرحمة والفرح وهي تروي نشأتها الصعبة وكيف ساعدت في تحويل هؤلاء الشباب من الجريمة إلى المجتمع.

Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana: ‘Seeds of peace come from the ground’

“The seeds of peace come from the ground.” That is the vision that Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana, former director of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at the World Council of Churches and now president of OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership, tries to follow with his organization.

Walking together against hatred and violence

When more than 100 religious leaders and other actors from around the world gathered at the UN in Vienna in mid-February, it was a manifestation of unity between religious and non-religious organizations, and a genuine commitment to cooperate in dealing with hate speech and incitement to violence that could lead to atrocity crimes.

Pan-African Christian organization dedicates new office

PROCMURA (Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa), an ecumenical Christian organization that focuses on strengthening Christian-Muslim relations at all levels, dedicated a new central office and conference centre on 2 July in Nairobi, Kenya.

Religion: Way of war or path to peace?

From Paris to Pakistan, Orlando to Myanmar, Iraq to Nigeria, each day witnesses conflict and violence perpetrated in the name of religion or committed against persons because of their religious identity.