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Living Water

Bible study on Acts 8:26-40 by Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi for the WCC Assembly, 4 November 2013: The text relates the mission of the Spirit to the symbol of the water of life. The Holy Spirit is the Life-giver, who sustains and empowers life and sends out God’s people to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. How and where do we discern God’s life-giving work, and how are we enabled to participate in God’s mission today?


Agua Viva

Estudio bíblico sobre Hechos 8:26-40, por Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, para el sexto día de la Asamblea, 4 de noviembre 2013: El texto establece una relación entre la misión del Espíritu y el símbolo del agua de vida. El Espíritu Santo es el dispensador de vida, que sustenta y fortifica la vida, y envía al pueblo de Dios a predicar la buena nueva de Jesucristo. ¿Dónde y cómo podemos discernir la acción de Dios que da vida, y de qué forma podemos participar hoy en la misión de Dios?


Changing international and political context (Ecumenical conversations)

"Changing international and political context" : From the prophet Isaiah to the pastor Bonhoeffer, from Esther in ancient Israel to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in Argentina of our day, prophets are real and inspiring. They are raised up in honour at regular intervals in the Bible. God's promise of a new heaven and a new earth owes something to their labors. Yet most believers—no matter how committed to God's justice—would not call themselves prophets or think of themselves as prophetic people.
