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WCC shares insights on mental health with pastors in Namibia

The World Council of Churches (WCC) shared insights with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) on 21 November, with Dr Manoj Kurian, director of the WCC Commission of the Churches on Health and Healing, offering an online half-day session addressing mental health awareness and the impact of trauma on mental health.

African youth find hope in promoting holistic mental health

The All Africa Youth Network, in collaboration with the Africa Christian Health Associations platform, along with the WCC, organized an online consultation on 11-12 November to embark on a journey of promoting the holistic mental health and wellbeing of youth in Africa.

Interfaith Dialogue on Climate urges action, compassion, and resilience ahead of COP29

Faith leaders and advocates worldwide came together on 6 November for a transformative Talanoa Dialogue, organized virtually by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, cochaired by the World Council of Churches (WCC). The dialogue provided a vital space for interfaith communities to explore shared goals in preparation for COP29, fostering unity around an urgent call for action on climate justice, compassion, and resilience.

Bonnes nouvelles dans la lutte contre le VIH: traitement, rétablissement et guérison

Conversations entre les responsables religieux et les communautés au Nigeria
Gracia Violeta Ross
Wushishi Yusuf
Yusuf Saidu Mohammed

Un document de discussion
De nos jours, le traitement contre le VIH est très efficace et tolérable. Or, certain-e-s responsables religieux, par manque d’informations exactes, continuent de propager des messages prônant l’exclusivité de la guérison par la foi, demandant aux personnes atteintes de VIH d’arrêter leur traitement pour prouver leur foi en Dieu. Dans Bonnes nouvelles dans la lutte contre le VIH: traitement, rétablissement et guérison, les organisateurs et organisatrices des discussions et leurs participant-e-s ont abordé les concepts de traitement, de rétablissement et de guérison du VIH, en s’appuyant sur les principes des théologies chrétiennes et musulmanes et sont arrivé-e-s à la conclusion que les communautés religieuses avaient pour mandat de guérir. Ils et elles ont évoqué les six cas récents de personnes vivant avec le VIH déclarées rétablies, ce qui suscite l’espérance en un remède pour toutes et tous. D’ici là, les communautés religieuses doivent soutenir toutes les personnes vivant avec le VIH pour qu’elles adhèrent à leur traitement. Les médicaments et les traitements relèvent de la puissance de guérison de Dieu, source ultime de guérison

Good News about HIV Treatment, Cure, and Healing

Conversations between Faith Leaders and Communities in Nigeria
Gracia Violeta Ross
Wushishi Yusuf
Yusuf Saidu Mohammed

A Discussion Document 

HIV treatment is very effective and tolerable nowadays. However, some faith leaders, out of misinformation, continue spreading messages of exclusive healing by faith, asking people living with HIV to abandon their medications as proof of their faith in God.

In Good News about HIV Treatment, Cure, and Healing, the initiators of the conversations and the discussants analyzed the concepts of treatment, cure, and healing in HIV, using principles of Christian and Muslim theologies, and concluded that faith communities have the mandate to heal. They discussed the six recent six cases of people with HIV who have been declared cured, which sparks hope for a definitive cure for all. Meanwhile, faith communities must support people living with HIV in adhering to their treatment. Medications and treatments are part of the healing touch of God, who is the ultimate source of healing.

Q&A Mpox and the Role of Faith Communities

This simple factsheet provides background about the Mpox zoonotic disease,: what it is, how it is transmitted, signs and symptoms, vaccines and treatment, and, most importantly, the role of faith communities in responding to the disease.