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Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Walk the Talk

A Toolkit to Accompany the "Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice"

“Walk the Talk” builds on Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice,” a 5-step programme to change the way we deal with the economy and our ecological surroundings.

This toolkit aims to enthuse congregations and churches through concrete examples of communities in action as well as offer good practices and practical materials to “walk the talk” on economic and ecological justice, in each of the areas:

  • Living in Accordance with the Covenant with God and Creation
  • Renewable Energy and Climate Protection
  • Just and Sustainable Consumption
  • Economies of Life

Llamado a una economía de la vida en tiempos de pandemia

La actual pandemia de la Covid-19 ha perturbado todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas en un mundo ya plagado de un inmenso sufrimiento humano. En respuesta a esta situación, nuestras organizaciones (el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas (CMIR), la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) y el Consejo de Misión Mundial (CMM)) convocaron una conferencia electrónica bajo el tema “Economía de la vida en tiempos de pandemia” los días 17 y 24 de abril de 2020, mediante la iniciativa conjunta de Nueva Arquitectura Financiera y Económica Internacional (NIFEA, por su sigla en inglés).

Ecumenical movement

La codicia, el exceso de producción y el consumo excesivo son pecado, dicen los Cristianos Africanos

El hecho de que "la riqueza se creó y se mantiene a base de la extracción y saqueo continuos de los recursos de África, así como gracias a la explotación de la población africana" fue el severo recordatorio que dirigieron a los cristianos del Norte del mundo los participantes en la consulta ecuménica sobre la vinculación entre pobreza, riqueza y ecología ("Linking poverty, wealth and ecology") celebrada la semana pasada.

Octobre 2004

<span style="font-weight: bold; "»Visite de Samuel Kobia au Canada