Displaying 41 - 60 of 61

For those with disabilities, digital justice is about access, says EDAN's Waweru

 Digital justice for Kenyan Samson Waweru is clear, as he believes there should be equal access to both cyber and print information for those who have disabilities and those who do not.

 When using a computer, he says in a video interview with World Council of Churches (WCC) programme executive Joy Eva Bohol that it applies to social media platforms and access to them.


Dr Salters Sterling: “Human nature doesn’t change just because we have a digital revolution”

Dr Salters Sterling, 84, readily sees the ties between his three biggest passions: the ecumenical movement, supporting people on the periphery of society, and speaking out on what churches need to do to survive in today’s digital world.  

Sterling spent his career as a senior university administrator of Trinity College in Dublin, then began teaching there after he retired.


Digital justice most relevant for those under autocratic rule, says Christian advocate

Digital justice is relevant to everyone in the digital age, yet it is more important to those living under an autocratic government that can use digital technologies for surveillance of civilians, says a Protestant Christian who works in advocacy.

Her work involves supporting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across Asia and Europe, and she asked for her name not to be used.


Historic symposium will examine communication for social justice in a digital age

An upcoming international symposium, scheduled for 13-15 September, will explore some key questions to help us map a more just digital future, a future that increasingly calls for deeper reflection and new thinking in philosophy, ethics, jurisprudence, and theology,” said World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof Dr Ioan Sauca.

Digital justice with fair access remains a goal, says Ukrainian journalist

Ukrainian journalist and radio host Katya Potapenko says digital justice remains a goal and not a reality. "For me, digital justice is a possibility of fair access to digital platforms and devices, regardless of country of origin, social status or other features," said Potapenko, a World Student Christian Federation volunteer.

Wegweisendes Symposium zum digitalen Wandel – bringen Sie sich ein!

Wollen Sie sich in einen öffentlichen Dialog über digitale Kommunikation einbringen oder eine Fallstudie einreichen, die Vorbildfunktion für den Rest der Welt haben kann? Dann bekunden Sie jetzt Ihr Interesse, aktiv an einem Symposium teilzunehmen, das vom 13. bis 15. September 2021 stattfinden soll.

ÖRK veröffentlicht Überblick über Ergebnisse der Zentralausschusstagung im Juni

Unter Anwesenheit von 124 der 155 Mitglieder des Zentralausschusses und Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten des ÖRK aus aller Welt ist das ÖRK-Gremium Ende Juni zu seiner jüngsten Tagung zusammengetreten, um die Vorbereitungen für die 11. ÖRK-Vollversammlung voranzutreiben, die 2022 in Karlsruhe, Deutschland, stattfinden und unter der Überschrift „Die Liebe Christi bewegt, versöhnt und eint die Welt“ stehen wird. Darüber hinaus befasste sich der Zentralausschuss mit Mitgliedschaftsangelegenheiten und stärkte das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl der Gemeinschaft von Kirchen durch Andachten und Austausch. 

WCC shares overview of June central committee meeting

With 124 of 155 central committee members and presidents from around the world present, the WCC central committee convened to advance preparations for the 11th WCC Assembly, taking place in 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany under the theme Christs love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.” The central committee also addressed membership matters and strengthened the WCC fellowship through prayer and sharing.