Displaying 161 - 180 of 236

Changing social and economic context (Ecumenical conversations)

"Changing social and economic context" : Poverty threatens life and human dignity. It is not a destiny, but the very result of the methods and structures of wealth creation and distribution of wealth in individual societies and worldwide. Inequality increases not by accident, but by the way economic and political processes are structured and function. Poverty undermines the very basis of life of billions of children, women and men who are denied not only the benefits of growing wealth, but even of access to basic necessities of life.


Religious plurality and Christian self-understanding

"Religious plurality and Christian self-understanding" : The question of the theological approach to religious plurality had been on the agenda of the WCC many times, reaching a certain consensus in 1989 and 1990.1 In recent years, it was felt that this difficult and controversial issue needed to be revisited. The present document is the result of a study process in response to suggestions made in 2002 at the WCC central committee to the three staff teams on Faith and Order, Inter-religious Relations, and Mission and Evangelism, and their respective commissions or advisory bodies.


Preparatory Paper N° 13: Religious plurality and Christian self-understanding

The present document is the result of a study process started in response to strong suggestions made during the 2002 meeting of the WCC Central Committee to the three staff teams on Faith & Order, Interreligious Relations, Mission & Evangelism and their respective commissions or advisory bodies. The question of the theological approach to religious plurality had been on the agenda of the WCC many times, reaching some consensus in 1989 and in 1990. In recent years, it was felt that a new approach to this difficult and controversial issue was needed.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Document préparatoire n° 10: La mission, ministère de réconciliation

Leprésent document présente un certain nombre deréflexions, d'un point de vue oecuménique,sur la mission considéréecomme ministère de réconciliation ;c'est, pour la Commission de mission et d'évangélisation,du Conseil oecuménique des Eglises, un document deréflexion et d'étude qui s'inscrit dans lapréparation à la Conférence mondiale sur lamission et l'évangélisation qui doit avoir lieu àAthènes en mai 2005.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Document préparatoire N° 6: Documents provenant de colloques organisés par l'EMS sur le thème de la réconciliation

Nous avons le plaisir d'ajouter les textes ci-après à la série de documents préparatoires pour la Conférence mondiale d'Athènes sur la mission et l'évangélisation ; ils illustrent bien comment une communauté d'Eglises et d'organismes missionnaires a abordé les problèmes de la réconciliation et de la violence, de la guérison des mémoires, du témoignage commun et de l'édification de la paix.

We therefore request our congregations to work for a situation where the wrongdoing, which in some cases has only just come to light, is not repressed, and call upon them to seek solutions in cooperation with the responsible politicians and citizens' action groups.

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism