Displaying 1 - 20 of 53

Fr Ioan Sauca: “God is on the side of those who are suffering”

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has, since the first day of the war in Ukraine and even in the months before, been working and praying earnestly for peace in this conflict and throughout the world. From the beginning, the WCC has called for an immediate end to armed hostilities, to stop the war and has appealed also for an immediate end to indiscriminate attacks with an escalating impact on civilians in Ukraine. WCC News met online with the WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca to get the latest update on the work of the WCC.

ÖRK-Zentralausschuss trifft sich im Juni in Genf

Der Zentralausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat vereinbart, vom 15. - 18. Juni zu einer Zentralausschusstagung zusammenzukommen, um die Vorbereitungen für die 11. ÖRK-Vollversammlung abzuschließen und unsere Arbeit gemeinschaftlich zu beenden.

The ecumenical spirit at Calvin’s Cathedral

Few moments in the early history of the World Council of Churches have embodied and conveyed the spirit of the modern ecumenical movement as vividly as the service celebrated at Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Geneva, 20 February 1946, less than one year after the end of World War II.

One year later: remembering a historical moment

A year has now passed since the World Council of Churches (WCC) received Pope Francis in Geneva, to celebrate together 70 years of ecumenical work since the WCC’s founding. Yet the impact of the historic day continues to be felt.

WCC Executive Committee responds to world’s urgent needs

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Executive Committee just concluded its first meeting of the year. The committee reviewed and received the 2018 reports and adopted the 2018 financial report. The Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace with Latin America and the Caribbean; the 70th anniversary of the WCC; the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism; and the visit of Pope Francis, together with many ongoing activities, made 2018 an extraordinary year in the life of the WCC – one that affirmed the vitality and visibility of the fellowship of churches.

"What matters is winning the peace in Syria," UN envoy says

WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit hosted a lunch on 12 December in gratitude to the services rendered by the United Nations special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura at the Château de Bossey with ambassador Heidi Grau, Head of the human security division at the Swiss FDFA, and the UN and WCC teams on Syria.