Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Orthodox and Anglican appeals from 1920 remain inspiration for unity

One of the foundational moments in the modern ecumenical movement is an encyclical letter issued 100 years ago by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on 1 January 1920. As its opening words state, it was addressed “Unto the Churches of Christ everywhere” and sent as a letter to the leaders of key Christian churches. Its first words are an appeal to “Love one another earnestly from the heart,” quoting from 1 Peter 1:22. The thrust of the letter is the suggestion that doctrinal differences among Christian churches do not, or at least should not, prevent “rapprochement” between Christians.

Jürgen Moltmann leitet ökumenische Reflexion in Genf

Zum Jahresauftakt empfing der ÖRK am 13. Januar Jürgen Moltmann einen Tag lang zu Vorträgen und Gesprächen im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Genf. Dabei ging Moltmann auch auf Fragen und Bemerkungen zu seinem letzten Buch „Der lebendige Gott und die Fülle des Lebens“ ein, dessen englische Fassung im Dezember von WCC-Publications veröffentlicht wurde.

Jürgen Moltmann leads ecumenical reflections in Geneva

At the start of a new year of work at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, respected German theologian Jürgen Moltmann led a day-long series of presentations and discussions as a guest of the WCC on Wednesday, 13 January. He also responded to comments and questions on his new book, The Living God and the Fullness of Life (WCC Publications, 2016).

ÖRK-Delegation besucht nördliches Irland und Grenzsperren

Eine Delegation des ÖRK hat vom 28. November bis zum 1. Dezember Irland besucht, um sich selbst ein Bild davon zu machen, wie die internationale Ökumene am besten die Kirchen in der weltweiten Gemeinschaft unterstützen und gemeinsam am Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens mitwirken kann.

ÖRK besucht interreligiöses Zentrum in Dublin

Eine Delegation des ÖRK hat im Rahmen eines viertägigen Mitgliedskirchen-Besuchs in Irland vom 28. November bis zum 1. Dezember das Interreligiöse Zentrum der Universität von Dublin in der Republik Irland besucht.

WCC visits Inter Faith Centre in Dublin

A delegation from the WCC went to the Inter Faith Centre at the Dublin City University in the Republic of Ireland as part of the four-day member church visit to Ireland from 28 November to 1 December.

Study guide to facilitate intra-church and inter-religious dialogue

To address confusions about the respective roles of intra-church and inter-religious dialogue, or dialogue among Christians as contrasted to dialogue among world faiths, a group engaged with the WCC is to prepare a short guide that will offer definitions for sometimes confusing terminology used in such dialogues, setting out different goals of the two forms of dialogue and offering practical suggestions and examples about the methodologies and issues.

Geneva fasting day features reflections on “living together in diversity”

Gathering a diverse representation from migrant communities in Geneva, affirming expressions of solidarity and promoting social justice for “people on the move”, a public event marked Jeûne genevois (Geneva’s traditional Thursday observation of fasting and prayer). The annual civic holiday was celebrated on 11 September at the Ecumenical Centre, Geneva, Switzerland.

Geneva day of fasting in solidarity with migrants

A group of Swiss churches and Christian agencies will mark Jeûne genevois (the annual Geneva day of fasting) on 11 September by holding a public event for local communities at the Ecumenical Centre, Geneva, Switzerland. The event will feature diverse expressions of solidarity and aspirations for social justice for migrants in the region.