Displaying 81 - 100 of 151

Catching the moment

Will the COVID-19 pandemic be remembered as a time when everything changed, as a unique moment in history that all can personally relate to? It has already changed a lot for many – while many people have been hit very hard, almost all have faced totally new situations, having to adopt new daily routines, think differently.

Tax justice in a time of COVID-19 crisis

When the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, was recently admitted to hospital with COVID-19, spending a few days in intensive care, a number of British politicians and journalists talked about how the virus was the great leveller. Everyone from street cleaners to world leaders could get the disease; no-one was immune, therefore, we must all follow the same social distancing guidelines. But as Iñigo Aymar of Oxfam has pointed out, COVID-19 is not so much the great leveller, but the great revealer.

Learning to live with the COVID-19 pandemic

Countries affected by COVID-19 are gradually lifting confinement restrictions that were introduced to contain and mitigate the spread of the pandemic. We are slowly, but surely, limping back to normalcy. Although it is too early to declare a victory against COVID-19, the spread of the virus is abating in many countries. But if we drop our guard, it is likely that the virus will regain a foothold in the weeks to come. Vigilance and patience will be needed in these pressing times.

God, faith and church life under question in a time of a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the political, economic and social life of a troubled world, already suffering by the financial crisis and imposed neoliberal austerity measures. With this current crisis, a strange unity has risen; a unity in fear of illness and death, anxious uncertainty for the future and collective mourning for the tens of thousands of deaths.

Easter Reflections: “I have come that they may have life and life abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Bishop Emeritus Munib Younan from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land:

It is Easter 2020.

This is the commemoration of both the crucifixion and the resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the source of our liberation but also of our praise and joy, especially in this time of the coronavirus crisis.

'I think it is the same for us now. It is enough that we are reflecting and praying, it is enough that we are listening to the voice of God, and the God of love will always be with us in our homes, in our churches, and our workplaces. The Risen Christ will bring us peace in our homes, and grants us hope in a hopeless situation, bringing us life and life abundantly.'

Reflections on our deeper crisis

An article on an interesting subject? No, not this time. I can only write from the deep crisis situation we are in at present. There is nothing else that keeps me more busy than the question of how to live with the anxiety and fear of the coronavirus and what to make of it.

“Re-visiting Arusha 2018 : Highlights of African Missiology”

13 February 2020

On 13 February 2020, in Nairobi (Kenya) a one-day theological seminar,“Re-visiting Arusha 2018 : Highlights of African Missiology, will give space to theological reflections linked to the the Arusha Conference, as well as create space for new reflections based on the Arusha Call to Discipleship, a key document and outcome of the Arusha world conference.

Desmond Tutu Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya - (Online)

Churches’ Commitments to Children: when the church comes to the table

It was at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly in Busan in 2013 where my journey with the Churches’ Commitments to Children - or (CC2C for short - started. Thirty-eight churches came together, formed a working group and came out with a joint declaration entitled “Putting Children at the Centre.” This declaration essentially called upon the WCC to ensure that children were not shunted to the side but took their rightful place at the centre of the churches’ plans, activities and social fabric where they belong.

Regional Webinar on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in Africa

21 October 2019

The thematic focus of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) in 2019 is Racism.The WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), organises a series of eight WCC CCIA regional expert Webinars on the issue of racism and racial justice from August to December 2019. The aim of the webinars is to explore how racism manifests itself in the respective regions, learn about the work that churches and ecumenical partners are doing in this respect, identify synergies and avenues for possible collaboration.


A year participating in #ThursdaysinBlack

This will be my last weekly posting of a news article from the past week related to violence against women and girls around the world. Following the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches a year ago, I decided to join the WCC movement of #ThursdaysinBlack, to speak out against violence and discrimination by wearing black and by posting on Facebook each week, for the duration of one year.

The Ecumenical International Youth Day| Transforming Education

12 August 2019

This year, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), in partnership with the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), will observe together the International Youth Day (IYD) with the theme: “Transforming Education.” Youth are the future of the church, and they are great advocates for Christian unity. The WCC wants to empower young Christians to liven up the ecumenical movement.

The Ecumenical Centre

3rd Explorations in Evangelism meeting: "Evangelism and the legacies of colonization and enslavement"

23 - 28 June 2019

The Explorations in Evangelism is a process of regional meetings co-organized between the Evangelism Programme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Council for World Mission. The primary objective of the project is to explore the work on evangelism at the grassroots level, in different contexts. In this process, major emphasis is placed on creating spaces, through exposure visits, for personal encounters with local communities, getting a firsthand taste of what constitutes evangelism work in various local contexts.

Toronto, Canada

Climate justice and environmental initiatives for and with children/youth webinar

11 June 2019

Millions of children and youth have been marching to demand climate action. Only on 24 May, over 1.8 million people took part in over 2,000 activities in 125 countries all around the world.

In light of the Statement on the Global Biodiversity Crisis and the Urgent Need for Structural Change adopted by the WCC Executive Committee on 27 May, WCC in partnership with UNICEF invite all the interested to a webinar that will present climate justice and environmental initiatives for and with children/youth.


Beyond herself

She was asked to lead us in prayers for the people of the Balkans, especially Kosovo and Albania. Before praying, she shared a bit of her story. It was an important story, for she was living in another European country and her story intermingled with others who could easily have slipped through the cracks.