Displaying 1 - 20 of 21

"True Freedom” webinar

18 January 2024

On 18 January, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and The Clewer Initiative will co-host a webinar on combating modern slavery. The event introduces “True Freedom,” a newly launched Lent resource designed to empower churches, organisations, and individuals in the fight against modern slavery.


Recognizing autism as a disability

As a parent of an autistic child, it is important for me not only to embrace and accept that my child has autism but also to raise awareness on autism. We are all called upon to champion acceptance, embrace, appreciate, and accept autistic people as valued members of the community. 

World Day of Prayer for Children

19 November 2021

World Council of Churches (WCC) member churches and partners are preparing for the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children, which will be observed this year on 19 November.


Weltkindertag – Festveranstaltung von ÖRK und UNICEF

21 November 2018

Anlässlich des Weltkindertags 2018 und im Kontext des 70-jährigen Bestehens des ÖRK, wollen UNICEF und der ÖRK gemeinsam ihre globale Partnerschaft und die vielen Erfolge im Engagement der Kirchen für Kinder feiern.

Ecumenical Centre, 1 Route des Morillons, Geneva

World Children's Day WCC - UNICEF Celebratory Event

21 November 2018

On the occasion of 2018 World Children’s Day, and in recognition of the WCC’s 70th anniversary, UNICEF and WCC are convening a number of WCC member churches and common partners to celebrate the UNICEF-WCC global partnership and to take stock of the many achievements of the Churches’ Commitments to Children.

Ecumenical Centre, 1 Route des Morillons, Geneva

Webinar on ending violence against children

29 May 2018

Many WCC member churches and partner organizations have indicated that they either have experience in promoting meaningful participation of children/adolescents or would appreciate support in this area of the Churches' Commitments to Children. The webinar will include information on upcoming opportunities for churches. It also aims to foster a network of churches engaged in special efforts to give children/adolescents a space and voice in churches and in society at large.


Weltgebetstag für ein Ende der Hungersnot

21 May 2017

Da heutzutage mehr Menschen von Hungersnöten bedroht sind als jemals zuvor in den letzten Jahrzehnten, laden der ÖRK, die Gesamtafrikanische Kirchenkonferenz sowie eine Reihe kirchlicher Partner und Netzwerke als Reaktion auf die Hungerkrise zu einem weltweiten Gebetstag am 21. Mai 2017 für ein Ende der Hungersnot ein.


Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

21 May 2017

As more people face famine today than any time in modern history, the WCC together with the All Africa Conference of Churches and a range of faith-based partners and networks invite a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on 21 May 2017, in response to the hunger crisis.


Día internacional de oración para acabar con el hambre

21 May 2017

En este momento en el que más personas hacen frente a la hambruna que en cualquier otro momento de la historia moderna, el CMI, junto con la Conferencia de Iglesias de Toda el África y una amplia gama de asociados y redes religiosas, convoca un Día internacional de oración para acabar con el hambre el 21 de mayo de 2017, en respuesta a la crisis del hambre.

En todo el mundo

Journée mondiale de prière pour mettre fin à la famine

21 May 2017

Alors que le nombre de personnes souffrant de la faim n'a jamais été aussi élevé dans l'histoire moderne, le COE et la Conférence des Églises de toute l'Afrique, aux côtés d'un certain nombre de réseaux et de partenaires confessionnels, lancent un appel à une Journée mondiale de prière pour mettre fin à la famine le 21 mai 2017, et ce, en réponse à la crise alimentaire.

Dans le monde entier

HOBI knit-in

10 May 2017

During the week before Mother's Day is celebrated in Switzerland, the WCC will host a knit-in organized by Hope for the Babies International (HOBI) to mark the 5th anniversary of its work to support mothers and babies in Afghanistan.

Geneva, Switzerland