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The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

Latest issue of International Review of Mission addresses health as well as wider issues

The new issue of International Review of Mission includes a variety of articles, ranging from post-colonialism to public theology, and from mission models to Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation. Two of the articles are specifically concerned with healing, which is a pertinent theme at this current period of the coronavirus. These two articles clearly indicate that the biblical concept of health consists as it does of the welfare, health, and prosperity of the individual person as well as of communities as a whole. Individuals are always part of the communities they belong to.

WCC condemns attack at Hanukkah celebration in New York City

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned an attack on a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi´s home north of New York City, on 28 December, stabbing and wounding five people. Several state and local officials have described the location of stabbing as a synagogue.

Latest Issue of International Review of Mission focuses on “Emerging Missional Movements”

The latest issue of the World Council of Churches’ journal International Review of Mission deals with the relationship between church and mission by focusing on the missional movements that have emerged in many places during the past two decades, and that have been described by terms such as “fresh expressions of church,” “emerging churches,” or, in short, “Fresh X.”

Aufgrund „wachsenden Verlangens nach dauerhaftem Frieden“ richtet ÖRK historischen Dialog zwischen Sikh und Christen aus

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat am 5. Juli ein historisches Dialogtreffen zwischen Anhängerinnen und Anhängern der Sikhreligion und des Christentums ausgerichtet. Das Treffen stand unter dem Thema „Pursuing Peace in a Pluralistic World“ (Streben nach Frieden in einer pluralistischen Welt) und fand anlässlich des 550. Geburtstags von Guru Nanak, dem ersten Guru der Sikh, statt.

Mission and people with disabilities

How much is the mission of the church related to people with disabilities? These days we talk a lot about inclusive societies and churches. But, have we arrived there? Are our societies and churches taking seriously the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face on a daily basis? People with disabilities find themselves quite often at the margins of the societies and even of the churches.

مؤتمر عالمي حول تعزيز السلام يعزز مبدأ "الأسرة الإنسانية الواحدة"

خلال المؤتمر الذي يحمل شعار "تعزيز السلام معاً"، المنعقد بجنيف بتاريخ 21 أيار/ مايو، ركز الزعماء الدينيون على مناقشة وثيقتين تاريخيتين متعلقتين بإحلال السلام. أما الوثيقة الأولى، والتي تحمل عنوان "الأخوة الإنسانية من أجل إحلال السلام العالمي والعيش معاً"، فقد وقعها كل من البابا فرانسيس والإمام الأكبر لمسجد الأزهر الشريف، وذلك بأبوظبي شهر شباط/فبراير المنصرم. أما الوثيقة الثانية، والتي تحمل شعار "التعليم من أجل إحلال السلام في عالم متعدد الديانات: منظور مسيحي"، والتي أعدها كل من المجلس البابوي للحوار بين الأديان ومجلس الكنائس العالمي، فقد نُشرت رسمياً خلال المؤتمر".

Globale Konferenz zur Friedensförderung setzt sich für „die eine Menschheitsfamilie“ ein

Auf der in Genf am 21. Mai veranstalteten Konferenz „Gemeinsam den Frieden fördern“ haben religiöse Führungspersönlichkeiten mit zwei historischen Erklärungen in den Mittelpunkt gestellt, die sich mit der Friedensarbeit befassen Die erste, „Die Brüderlichkeit aller Menschen für ein friedliches Zusammenleben in der Welt“, war im Februar gemeinsam von Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Franziskus und dem Großimam der al-Azhar-Moschee, Ahmad Mohammad al-Tayyeb, unterzeichnet worden. Die zweite, „Friedenserziehung in einer multireligiösen Welt: eine christliche Perspektive“, gemeinsam verfasst vom Päpstlichen Rat für den interreligiösen Dialog und dem Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK), wurde offiziell auf der Konferenz präsentiert.

Global conference on promoting peace cultivates ‘one human family’

At a conference with the theme “Promoting Peace Together” held in Geneva on 21 May, religious leaders focused on two historic documents related to peace-making. The first, “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” was jointly signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi in February. The second, “Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World: A Christian Perspective,” jointly prepared by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the World Council of Churches (WCC), was officially launched at the conference.

Una conferencia mundial sobre la promoción de la paz fomenta una “sola familia humana”

En una conferencia en torno al tema “Promover la paz juntos”, que tuvo lugar en Ginebra el 21 de mayo, varios dirigentes religiosos analizaron dos documentos históricos relacionados con la construcción de la paz. El primero de esos documentos, “La fraternidad humana para la paz mundial y la convivencia”, fue firmado conjuntamente por el papa Francisco y el Gran Imán de Al-Azhar, en Abu Dhabi, en febrero. El segundo, “Educación para la paz en un mundo multirreligioso: una perspectiva cristiana”, fue elaborado conjuntamente por el Pontificio Consejo para el Diálogo Interreligioso y el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), y presentado de forma oficial durante la conferencia.

Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World

A Christian Perspective

Encouraging churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the structural roots of what has led to the disruption of peace in the world, and on their own current practices and priorities in relation to education and peacemaking.