Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Churches in Nigeria promote rights of women with disabilities

“The church has lots of roles in removing barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from living a fulfilled life. All are created in the image of God and have equal rights. Sexual and reproductive health is one such right that should not be denied to any woman,” said Rev. Evans Onyemara, general secretary of the Christian Council of Nigeria during a training on empowering women with disabilities on sexual and reproductive health care held at Umuahia, Nigeria from 9-11 March.

Nigeria gathering inspires courage among women with disabilities

“Before being identified as a person with disability, you are a woman with the same rights,” said Hellen Anurika Udoye Beyioku-Alase, a young woman with a disability. She was among some 70 women who gathered at the Swiss International Hotel in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, on 22-23 June around the theme “Women with Disabilities, Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV.”

Person with disability shares reflection on AIDS conference

“Disability does not mean inability! Human rights for all! Equality and access to good health care! Leave no one behind!” Slogans were plentiful at the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs. Some participants felt that the conference venue sadly belied these clarion calls as it was ill-equipped to handle the mobility and access needs of persons with disabilities.

CCN working for responsible elections in Nigeria

In many countries, national elections can provoke tension and uncertainty. Nigeria is no exception. The elections, originally scheduled for the middle of February, have now been postponed to 28 March, partly as a result of the security situation.

Workshop in Nigeria addresses theology and disability

“God calls everyone, including persons with disabilities, to the fullness of life in Christ,” states a communiqué issued at a consultative workshop on “Theology and Disability” organized in Nigeria by churches and ecumenical organizations. It emphasizes, “God is the sovereign and loving Creator of all people including persons with disabilities.”

Ostern 2014: Chance für Einheit der Christen und gemeinsames Zeugnis

In einer Reflexion zu Ostern bezeichnet der Generalsekretär Pastor Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit dieses Jahr als „Chance, gemeinsam Zeugnis abzulegen für die Auferstehung Christi“, da die Kirchen der östlichen wie auch die Kirchen der westlichen Tradition des Christentums Ostern in diesem Jahr am gleichen Sonntag, dem 20. April, feiern.

Easter 2014: Opportunity for Christian unity and common witness

In his Easter reflections, the WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit called this year an “opportunity for shared testimony to the Resurrection” since churches from both eastern and western traditions of Christianity will celebrate Easter on the same day, Sunday 20 April.

Pascua 2014: una oportunidad para la unidad cristiana y el testimonio común

En sus reflexiones de Pascua, el secretario general del CMI, el Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, habló de la Pascua de este año como de «una oportunidad de compartir el testimonio de la Resurrección», puesto que las iglesias de las tradiciones cristianas orientales y occidentales celebrarán la Pascua el mismo día, el domingo 20 de abril.

Pâques 2014: une chance pour l'unité chrétienne et le témoignage commun

Dans ses réflexions pascales, le pasteur Olav Fykse Tveit, secrétaire général du COE, a affirmé que cette année représente «une chance pour le témoignage commun de la résurrection». Cette année en effet, les Églises des traditions orientale et occidentale du christianisme célébreront Pâques le même jour, le dimanche 20 avril.