Displaying 1 - 20 of 28

An exercise in hoping

I’m writing this text exactly one year after Brazil declared quarantine, on 16 March. Last year we went into quarantine thinking it would only be two weeks at home, and maybe a few months of wearing masks and sanitizing our hands. I’m the first to confess that I’ve underestimated the virus. However, we all know that is not how it went. Month after month went by - the internet joked about how could it possibly be August already, when last week was March?

Larissa Aguiar Garcia: „Wir öffnen einen geschützten Raum“

Dies ist das vierte einer Reihe von Gesprächen mit Botschafterinnen und Botschaftern der Donnerstags in Schwarz-Bewegung, die eine wichtige Rolle bei der wirkungsvolleren Durchsetzung unserer Forderung nach einer Welt ohne Vergewaltigung und Gewalt wahrnehmen. Larissa Aguiar Garcia von der Igreja Medista do Brasil ist Mitglied der zum Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) gehörenden ECHOS-Kommission für junge Menschen.

Larissa Aguiar Garcia: "We're opening a safe space”

This is the fourth in a series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Larissa Aguiar Garcia, from Igreja Metodista do Brasil, is a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission for young people.

Larissa Aguiar Garcia: “Estamos abriendo un espacio seguro”

Esta es la cuarta de una serie de entrevistas con embajadores de la campaña Jueves de negro que están desempeñando un papel crucial para aumentar el impacto de nuestro llamado colectivo a favor de un mundo sin violaciones ni violencia. Larissa Aguiar Garcia, de la Iglesia Metodista de Brasil, es miembro de ECHOS, la comisión del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) para la juventud.

Larissa Aguiar Garcia: «Nous ouvrons un espace sûr»

Voici le quatrième d’une série d’entretiens avec les ambassadeurs et ambassadrices des Jeudis en noir qui jouent un rôle de premier plan pour stimuler l’impact de notre appel collectif à un monde sans viol ni violence. Larissa Aguiar Garcia, de l’Igreja Medista do Brasil, est membre de la Commission des jeunes ECHOS du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE).

WCC Eco-School encourages youth to become eco-ambassadors

“Hunger amidst plenty is the great contradiction of our time”, said Dr Ángel Ibarra, vice-minister of environment and natural resources of El Salvador, as he addressed participants of the World Council of Churches (WCC) “Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice”, being held in San Salvador, 1-12 November.

New students welcomed at WCC Bossey Ecumenical Institute

“Congratulations for being a student at Bossey!” Fr Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, director of the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey and deputy general secretary, welcomed the students for the new academic year 2018-2019. Thirty-one students from diverse countries and traditions will start their classes at the ecumenical institute on Tuesday.

Latin American ecumenical gathering to focus on eco-justice and peace building

More than 30 young adults coming from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will gather in Colombia to reflect and plan actions on eco-justice and peace building. “Young people for Eco-Justice and Peace: The challenge that we accept” will be organized by the World Student Christian Federation in Latin America and the Caribbean (WSCF – LAC), a partner of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in Barranquilla, from 15-18 August.

Pilgrimage and youth

Youth are not the future leaders of tomorrow. They are the leaders of today, as they fearlessly lead efforts for justice and peace in their societies.

Advent protests in New York City

Ferguson is in turmoil. So is New York. And so is Union Theological Seminary in the city of New York, a long-standing institution of theological education located on the upper west side of Manhattan – or in West Harlem – since 1836.

Junge christliche, muslimische und jüdische Gläubige arbeiten gemeinsam für Klimagerechtigkeit

Im Kontext von Spannungen, die oft durch religiöse Überzeugungen angeheizt werden, haben sich junge christliche, muslimische und jüdische Gläubige zu einer multireligiösen Gemeinschaft zusammengeschlossen. Im Rahmen des interreligiösen Sommerkurses, der vom ÖRK gefördert wird, will sich diese Gruppe gemeinsam für die Bewahrung der Schöpfung engagieren, ein Anliegen, das ihrer Meinung nach allen Glaubenstraditionen gemein ist.

A community of young Christians, Muslims and Jews works for climate justice

Amidst the reality of tensions often fueled by religions, a group of Christian, Muslim and Jewish youth has formed a multi-faith community. As part of an interfaith summer course sponsored by the WCC, this community wants to work for the protection of creation – a concern they say is common to all faith traditions.

Un grupo de jóvenes cristianos, musulmanes y judíos unidos por la justicia climática

En un contexto de tensiones muchas veces relacionadas con los distintos grupos religiosos, un grupo de jóvenes cristianos, musulmanes y judíos ha creado una comunidad interreligiosa. En el marco del curso de verano "Construyendo una comunidad interreligiosa" organizado por el CMI, este grupo tiene el propósito de trabajar para el cuidado de la Creación, una preocupación que comparten todas las tradiciones religiosas.

De jeunes chrétiens, musulmans et juifs au service de la justice climatique

Sur fond de tensions internationales souvent alimentées par les religions, un groupe composé de jeunes chrétiens, musulmans et juifs a constitué une communauté multireligieuse. Dans le cadre d'un cours d'été interreligieux organisé sous l'égide du COE, cette communauté veut œuvrer à la protection de la création, une préoccupation qui, selon eux, est partagée par toutes les traditions religieuses.