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Promoting harmony amidst diversity: The International Center For Inter-Faith Peace and Harmony in Kaduna, Nigeria

In a world often marred by religious strife and intolerance, there is an oasis of hope and understanding in Kaduna, Nigeria—the International Center for Inter-Faith Peace and Harmony (ICIPH). Established in 2016, this centre stands as a beacon of unity, dedicated to fostering dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among people of diverse faith backgrounds.

2025 – An Ecumenical Year on the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity

In seeking to renew the quest for unity of the churches and of all humanity, the WCC and the wider ecumenical fellowship find inspiration in two major anniversaries that fall in 2025, the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 and the 100th anniversary of the Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work in Stockholm in 1925.

This brochure highlights WCC activities and events that will commemorate these two events, but also a number of other significant anniversaries.

Блаженнейший Митрополит Киевский и всея Украины Епифаний посетил ВСЦ

10 апреля Блаженнейший Митрополит Киевский и всея Украины Епифаний посетил Всемирный совет церквей (ВСЦ) по просьбе генерального секретаря ВСЦ, преподобного профессора д-ра Джерри Пиллэя, чтобы обсудить текущую ситуацию в Украине, роль Православной церкви Украины (ПЦУ) по достижению мира, дальнейшее участие ВСЦ в решении проблем войны, а также членство в ВСЦ.

WCC extends prayers for lasting peace in Haiti

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent a pastoral letter to Haitian brothers and sisters whose lives are lived in a land with hatred, violence, and suffering. Although we might be physically distant, we are close to you in heart, in the spiritual sense,” wrote Pillay. We all are children of God. We belong to one family, as Jesus Christ himself said.”

A table with space for everyone

Under the theme “That the World May Know”, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) kicks off its Fourth Global Gathering, in Accra, Ghana, on Tuesday, 16 April.