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Eco-School promotes blue communities, green churches

Dr Mathews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia, addressed young people attending an Eco-School in Chiang Mai, Thailand, noting that large numbers of people in Asia don’t have access to safe drinking water.

WCC Eco-School begins in Thailand

Twenty-seven young people from 11 countries across Asia officially began the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The school will run from 4-17 November, exploring water, food, and climate justice.

Applications open for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice

The third edition of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 4-17 November 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, hosted by the Christian Conference of Asia. This year, the Eco-School will focus on Asia and therefore only open to Asians. Deadline for applications for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice extended to 31 July 2019.

WCC condemns massacre of farmers in Philippines

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned the massacre earlier this month of 14 farmers by police officers in Canlaon City, as well as Manjuyod and Santa Catalina towns in Negros Oriental in the Philippines. The WCC also renewed its call for the government of the Philippines to end the culture of impunity and to ensure full investigation and accountability for all such killings.

Le COE condamne le massacre de fermiers aux Philippines

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a condamné le massacre de 14 fermiers commis par des agents de police début avril à Canlaon, Manjuyod et Santa Catalina, trois villes de la province du Negros Oriental, aux Philippines. Le COE a également réitéré l’appel qu’il avait lancé au gouvernement des Philippines pour faire cesser la culture d’impunité et garantir que ces assassinats fassent l’objet d’enquêtes en bonne et due forme à l’issue desquelles les auteurs des faits seront traduits en justice.

#WCC70: A prayer about health and healing

Dr Erlinda N. Senturias, from the Philippines, gives thanks that WCC has created safe spaces for the churches to talk about HIV and AIDS. She asks that the ecumenical movement continue to be a beacon of support for this ongoing journey of health and healing.

#WCC70: Une prière pour la santé et la guérison

Mme Erlinda N. Senturias, des Philippines, exprime sa gratitude que le COE ait créé des espaces sûrs permettant aux Églises de parler du VIH et du sida. Elle espère que le mouvement œcuménique restera une lueur de soutien sur le chemin continu vers la santé et à la guérison.

G20 summit: call to pray for peace in Hamburg

Friday evening when the leaders of the G20 states will be meeting in Hamburg and discussing global economic, social, environmental and political issues, the churches in Germany are inviting people in Germany and all over the world to a common peace prayer.

Sommet du G20: appel à une prière pour la paix à Hambourg

El viernes por la tarde, cuando los líderes de los Estados del G20 se reúnan en Hamburgo para debatir asuntos económicos, sociales, medioambientales y políticos mundiales, las iglesias de Alemania invitan a los habitantes de Alemania y del mundo entero a una oración común por la paz.

G7 must address famine

Not nearly enough is being done to save the lives of the 20 million people who face famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria. Among them are 1.4 million children, who are at imminent risk of death unless aid reaches them immediately.

Le G7 doit lutter contre la famine

Les mesures prises pour sauver la vie des 20 millions de personnes menacées par la famine au Yémen, en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et au Nigeria sont très insuffisantes. Parmi les personnes en danger, on compte 1,4 million d’enfants qui risquent de mourir à court terme si l’aide humanitaire ne leur parvient pas immédiatement.