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Génesis del documento

Reconociendo que todos vivimos en sociedades multirreligiosas, los dirigentes de las iglesias africanas, reunidos en Addis Abeba (Etiopía) durante el taller regional de 2016 de la Comisión de las Iglesias para Asuntos Internacionales (CIAI) sobre “Registro de nacimientos y leyes de nacionalidad discriminatorias por razón de género en África”, subrayaron la necesidad de formular estrategias y afirmaciones interconfesionales en nuestra labor de promoción de los derechos humanos de los apátridas.

WCC Programmes

Belonging - Affirmations for Faith Leaders


Genesis of the document

Recognising that we all live in multi-religious societies, African church leaders gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during the 2016 World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) regional workshop on “Birth Registration and Gender Discriminatory Nationality Laws in Africa”, stressed the need to develop inter-faith strategies and affirmations in our advocacy work for the human rights of stateless people.

WCC Programmes

Statement by the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians on "Black Lives Matter" movement

As members of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, our hearts have been torn; our spirits have been deeply stirred; and our faces are drowned in tears, since the throttling of Mr George Floyd, a black man. In broad daylight, in Minneapolis, USA on May 25, 2020, Mr Floyd was handcuffed, pinned down to the hard concrete, while a white policeman pressed his knee on Floyd’s throat for eight minutes, 46 seconds, suffocating him. Floyd pleaded for his life to no avail until he finally succumbed to death.

Ecumenical movement

WCC and ACT Alliance statement on World Water Day 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic

On the occasion of the World Water Day 2020, and with deep concern over the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on people in all regions of the world, especially the poor, the World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance reaffirm the responsibility of churches and faith-based organisations to ensure that people have access to clean, affordable, sufficient water to meet their physical and domestic needs, including that of hand-washing.

General Secretary

Declaración del CMI y de la ACT Alianza sobre el Día Mundial del Agua en medio de la pandemia del Covid-19

Con motivo del Día Mundial del Agua 2020, y con gran preocupación por la seriedad de la pandemia del Covid-19 y sus consecuencias para las personas de todas las regiones del mundo, especialmente los pobres, el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y la ACT Alianza reafirman la responsabilidad de las iglesias y de las organizaciones religiosas de asegurar que las personas tengan acceso a agua limpia, asequible y suficiente para satisfacer sus necesidades físicas y domésticas, incluyendo el lavado de manos.

General Secretary