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Faith Actors Reflect on Their Role in Reaching HIV Goals at ICASA

From 4 to 9 December 2023, thousands of people convened in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the 22nd International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA). Scientists, medical experts, advocates, people living with HIV, and civil society organizations came together under the theme “AIDS IS NOT OVER: Address inequalities; accelerate inclusion and innovation.” Participants from many faith traditions were a meaningful part of many of these representative groups but also took up a space of their own.

WCC reflects on women’s transformative leadership at international conference on innovation in Africa

Prof. Ezra Chitando, World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy regional coordinator for Southern Africa, presented on behalf of WCC deputy general secretary Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, a paper on Womens Transformative Leadership and Africas Holistic Development: The Role of the Churches” during an international conference on leadership transformation and innovation in Africa.

El CMI celebra una consulta en la República Democrática del Congo sobre los riesgos del VIH y las vulnerabilidades en la población migrante

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) y el programa de Iniciativas Ecuménicas y Acción Mundial sobre el VIH/SIDA, en asociación con el Pole Institute, han organizado una consulta en el marco de la iniciativa religiosa de ONUSIDA y el PEPFAR (Plan de Emergencia del Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América para Luchar contra el SIDA) en torno a los riesgos del VIH y las vulnerabilidades entre los migrantes, las personas desplazadas y los refugiados en Goma (República Democrática del Congo).

Conference explores keys to generating relevant theology for Africa

“When the music changes, so must the dance,” counselled Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, World Council of Churches (WCC) deputy general secretary at the Africa Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions Anglophone Group virtual conference on 9-10 April. Phiri gave a keynote address at the conference organized by Africa University, a Methodist-affiliated university in Zimbabwe.

WCC mourns passing of Hendrew Lusey-Gekawaku

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the passing away of Hendrew Lusey-Gekawaku on 13 October 2020. He was a registered nurse, public health practitioner and ecumenist who contributed enormously to ecumenical and interfaith HIV and AIDS responses.

Person with disability shares reflection on AIDS conference

“Disability does not mean inability! Human rights for all! Equality and access to good health care! Leave no one behind!” Slogans were plentiful at the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs. Some participants felt that the conference venue sadly belied these clarion calls as it was ill-equipped to handle the mobility and access needs of persons with disabilities.

Overcoming discrimination to address HIV in Zimbabwe

“Stigma, discrimination, lack of access to information and appropriate prevention measures aggravate the spread of HIV and AIDS,” says Samuel Matsikure, who participated in a dialogue sponsored by Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy of the WCC.

Superar la discriminación para hacer frente al VIH en Zimbabwe

“El estigma, la discriminación y la falta de acceso a la información y medidas de prevención adecuadas intensifican la propagación del VIH y el SIDA”, dice Samuel Matsikure, que participó en un diálogo sobre el VIH celebrado en Zimbabwe el pasado mes de julio con el patrocinio de Iniciativas Ecuménicas y Acción Mundial sobre el VIH y el SIDA del CMI.