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Pater Ioan Sauca: „Gott ist an der Seite der Leidenden“

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat seit dem ersten Tag des Krieges in der Ukraine und auch schon in den Monaten davor ernsthaft für den Frieden in diesem Konflikt und überall auf der Welt gearbeitet und gebetet. Von Anfang an hat der ÖRK ein sofortiges Ende der bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen zur Beendigung des Krieges und ebenfalls einen sofortigen Stopp wahlloser und eskalierender Angriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung in der Ukraine gefordert. ÖRK News hat sich online mit dem geschäftsführenden ÖRK-Generalsekretär Priester Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca getroffen, um sich über den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit des ÖRK zu informieren.

Fr Ioan Sauca: “God is on the side of those who are suffering”

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has, since the first day of the war in Ukraine and even in the months before, been working and praying earnestly for peace in this conflict and throughout the world. From the beginning, the WCC has called for an immediate end to armed hostilities, to stop the war and has appealed also for an immediate end to indiscriminate attacks with an escalating impact on civilians in Ukraine. WCC News met online with the WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca to get the latest update on the work of the WCC.

Churches´Commission for Migrants in Europe release European church leaders’ statement on response of Europe to refugees

The Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe - CCME released a statement that speaks about the response of Europe to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. The statement addresses the concerns of discriminatory treatment of non-Ukrainians and minority ethnic people in this context and the more general question that the generosity shown in recent weeks often has not been extended to those fleeing from elsewhere.

Below, Dr Torsten Moritz, general secretary at the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, reflects on why church leaders requested such a statement, and what lies at the heart of some of their different inputs.