Displaying 1 - 20 of 506

Christ’s Love (Re)moves Borders

Reflections from GETI 2022

The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) of 2022 was an intercultural, short-term, academic study and exposure programme. It was a six-week blended learning experience - four weeks online and two weeks in residence alongside the 11th WCC Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 28 August to 8 September 2022. The programme was designed to explore the theme, “Christ’s Love (Re)moves Borders”. 

The tapestry that ensues in this volume brings together the keynote contributions of plenary speakers with the interventions and perspectives of GETI 2022 students in an intergenerational and interdisciplinary theological discussion grounded in scripture and in Christ’s love.

True Freedom

Ein neuer internationaler Kurs für die Fastenzeit 2024
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, and Dutch 

Religiöse Führungspersönlichkeiten setzen sich gemeinsam und in Solidarität mit Geflüchteten für Klimafrieden ein und geben der UN-Konferenz neue Impulse

Als religiöse Führungskräfte von rund 40 glaubensgeleiteten Organisationen aus der ganzen Welt während einer Zusammenkunft in Genf beschlossen, das individuelle Recht auf Asyl zu verteidigen, war dies ein Höhepunkt am Vorabend des Globalen Flüchtlingsforums, der weltweit größten Versammlung dieser Art. Die Teilnehmenden trafen sich am 12. Dezember auf einer eintägigen Veranstaltung beim Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) unter Vorsitz eines armenischen Erzbischofs und eines UN-Diplomatin, die früher einmal türkische Abgeordnete war.

Religious leaders uniting for climate peace in solidarity with refugees, boost UN conference

The moment religious leaders from around 40 faith-based organisations worldwide agreed to keep defending the individual right to seek asylum during a gathering in Geneva marked a high point on the eve of the Global Refugee Forum, the world's biggest such international gathering.They met at a one-day event on 12 December at the World Council of Churches (WCC), chaired by an Armenian archbishop and a UN diplomat who was once a Turkish legislator.

True Freedom

A New Global Course for Lent 2024
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, and Dutch 

Ecumenical International Youth Day 2023 Toolkit

Young People and Their Voices from the Warzones
Andrei Ursulean
Stefan Wilson

This year’s theme for Ecumenical Youth Day is Young People and Their Voices from the Warzones. Political insurrection and ideologies have permeated the fabric of society. This has caused division and hatred, resulting in the loss of innocent lives.

Addressing the realities young people face in the world today represents a moral imperative for and crucial aspect of peace-building. Providing them with access to education and psychological support is the only solution for their empowerment. Through this toolkit, the World Council of Churches, via youth engagement in the ecumenical movement, extends an invitation and encourages all member churches and ecumenical partners to participate in this year’s Ecumenical International Youth Day. This year, there is a special desire to draw attention to the situation of young people who live the hard realities of wars, conflicts, and injustice. This document contains resources and suggested ways to observe this day and adapt it to your context.

Teilnehmende am Emerging Peacemakers Forum senden Botschaft der Hoffnung an COP28

50 Jugendliche aus 24 Ländern haben eine Botschaft der Hoffnung an die Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der Klimarahmenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen (COP28) geschickt, die Ende 2023 in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate stattfindet. Überbracht wurde die Botschaft in einer außergewöhnlichen Feierstunde, die im Rahmen der zweiten Ausgabe des Emerging Peacemakers Forums im Ökumenischen Institut in Bossey, Schweiz, abgehalten wurde.

Participants at the Emerging Peacemakers Forum send a message of hope to COP28

50 young people from 24 countries have sent a message of hope to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates at the end of 2023. The message was delivered during a special ceremony during the second edition of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, held at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland.

Einsatz für ein blühendes Land: Lateinamerikanische Stimmen priorisieren Klimagerechtigkeit, indigene Rechte und Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter

Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von lateinamerikanischen Mitgliedskirchen des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) versammelten sich während der Tagung des ÖRK-Zentralausschusses im Juni mit dem Ziel, sich mit jenen, die für eine gerechte und nachhaltige Zukunft für den Kontinenten einsetzen, zusammenzuschließen und gemeinsame Themenbereiche festzulegen.